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Single player: Second tour mission

Guest Justice

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Guest Justice

Hi there

I recently re-discovered my XWA cd's and started playing.... I'm have a real big problem with the 2nd Tour mission.... no matter what I do I can't finish it.

Me and Andrasta kill the two guards, attack Endiku, and then the only objective remaining is to get Andrasta home in one piece.

But suddenly that damn Bouncer comes and starts shooting us both. And after we kill it Andrasta keeps on saying "Flying home..." as it's orders but everytime the distance becomes 0.0 it starts growing again.... it's like Andrasta keeps on trying to find a Nav Buoy that doesn't exist.

So there I am stuck, stuck in Sabra's gunner turret watching Andrasta flying around forever...


Can anyone tell me how to finish this mission?




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Guest tie_ace666999

IT's funny, because the same thing happened to me. If i remember coreectly i just exited the game back to windows, then went back in and it worked fine. Make sure you are using version 2.02, you could also try re-installing the game.

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Guest Justice

I don't know what the mission number is exactly... it's not part of any of the battles it's part of the Family Tour at the beginning, mission# 2.


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