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Your Favorite XWA Craft

Air Juggernaut

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Guest Rogue 9

A X-Wing can Jink around yet still keep a missle lock to lock on with an A-Wing you need to fly straight or relatively staight because its turn radius is not as good also an X-Wing can survive more laser hits so in a Head to Head with an A-wing it can light it up the whole way in and they turn behind it and hit it with a Quad blast.

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Rogue 9, you are making a slight mistake here. Take these few steps.


1. Read the Title of the thread

2. Read the first post of this thread

3. Reply based on the title and first post of the thread.


This thread is not to go and prove which craft is better, or worse. It is about which is your favrite. Not which is better. Differant people prefer differant craft, beasue the PREFER the craft that compliments thier fighting style


[This message has been edited by K_Kinnison (edited February 27, 2001).]

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Try to get a missile lock against a human pilot in the

head on aproach. You will be killed very fast because

you movement is very predictable if you try to get a

missile lock. Most warhead is melees will be fired

without a lock. I normaly load either ion pulse or

advanced torpedoes in warhead melees. Dual fire

ion pulse will disable any fighter and a single advanced

torpedoes kills any fighter execpt the B-Wing.

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Guest Alcatraz

For a fighter, the X-Wing is the best all-around Rebel craft. But, if I had to have a live-in all-around craft, the Otana works best. Dual turrets, high speed....I can take out one craft with them while I focus on another manually.

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Guest Chris_Lightwalker

Well mine is a tie between the E-Wing and the X-Wing. Favourite cruiser has to be Liberty. The E-Wing is such a great craft to fly, even better than the X-Wing!

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i would also prefer the E-wing over the X-wing but for one reason... the FOur cannons with 3 modes of fire (single, dual, quad)


It allows for versitility when fighting. Single shot for High defelctions shooting, or ranging shots, Dual for all-around dog-fights, and Quads for Maximum damage per shot.


The E-wing has only 2 modes of fire, and it is sometimes one of it's weaknesses in a dogfight

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Guest Rogue15

My favorite for the missions (not skirmish) is the Y-Wing. For Skirmish, i prefer the y-wing, and i also like the missile boat.

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Name: T-wing, Single seat long range fighter

Manufacturer: Hoersh-Kessel Drive, Inc.

Used By: Various

Max Speed: 111 MGLT

Acceleration: 21 MGLT/second

Agility: 78 DPF

Shields: 20 SBD

Hull: 14 RU

Weapons: Dual Lasers

Std. Combat War head Load: 8

Hyperdrive: Yes

First Appeach: TIE fighter game (T-wing was a erbel ship)

Created during the Clone Wars, the T-Wing is often wished to remain as a part of history, rather then making it. Though it has a fairly high speed rating, its average agility and weak shields prevent it from being a decisive force. Adding to its lack of adequate shielding is its dual lasers and a small warhead load.


Despite its inadequacies as a front line fighter (or perhaps because of them), the T-Wing sees much usage by individuals seeking a small, cheap hyperdrive capable craft. Often seen flying escort missions for traders and minor politicians, its usage is gradually being faded out by newer, and more powerful craft. That it has lasted this long, however, is a testimit to it's affordability.


Notes: It is a very fast and manuverable, but IMHO a better Dogfighter then the Z-95. mainly used in Superiority roles, rather then Multi-role.

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Guest Silver_Storm

If ya ask me, my favorite would have to be the TIE Defender and for the Rebs: the A-Wing, my fav cap ship would be the ssd just cuz It looks cool!

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Guest Rogue15

ok. I hate the y-wing now. Too sluggish. My new favorite is the Z-95 Headhunter. It's as fast as the X-Wing, but more maneuverable, it's like an X-Wing and an A-Wing put together.

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Guest Scoundrel67

My fine fellows, the TIE Advanced/Avenger is the best bargain in the game, pointwise, period. It's very fast, accelerates well, is shielded, and has four lasers and a good (not great) ordnance capacity. As long as you remember to fly it as a superiority fighter rather than an assault fighter like the B-Wing, this little honey won't let you down. SERVE THE EMPEROR!


On the Rebel side of the war, the B-Wing rules the roost. This Verpine bad boy might handle like a pig (not as bas as the Y-Wing, which is a slug), but while used as the assault fighter it was designed to be, no opposing capital ships really stand a chance. When a flight of properly escorted B-Wings comes out of hyperspace, wise Imperials start warming up the hyperdrives on their heavies.



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Guest Scoundrel67

While I'm thinking about it, I've never read very many of the SW novels, so I can't comment on the E, J, & W-Wings with much enthusiasm. I picked up the latest NCA patch some time ago, but these newer craft leave me cold. Perhaps it's because I'm an old fart who remembers seeing SW: A New Hope while still in elementary school, black and white TVs, and games like Pong and Space Invaders causing quite a stir amongst my friends back in that era. Call me a fuddy-duddy traditionalist then--this latest alphabet soup of fighters doesn't even make it into my AlliEd missions or regular skirmishes.



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My favorite NCA ship is the Z-Int Ugly.... a real challanging craft to fly, but fun. I had a blast doing 1v1 MP games with it


If i remember the specks it had 20 SBU shilds 10 RU hull, 2 Lasers with 3 modes of fire (single, dual, and Double) Horrible acceleration, and poor manuverbility. It was about as fast as a Interceptor. ONe full Double shot and you were dead.. but sometime you got lucky


[This message has been edited by K_Kinnison (edited March 07, 2001).]

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Guest Hu Man Bing

TIE Advanceds are my favorite craft. The Defender and Missile Gunboat are more powerful, but they're not really sporting. I feel that I've achieved something by using a TIE Advanced.


Is it just me, or are all the Rebel craft hopelessly outclassed by the Imperial craft in the Lawrence Holland games?



If the Rebels actually won, they'd be out of a job.

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Guest Scoundrel67

The Rebellion starfighters are supposed to be inferior to the best of the Imperial fighters. What is not often reflected in on-line game play is that in the Star Wars universe the TIE Advanced, Defender, and the Cygnus Missle Boat are rare, very rare, and exceedingly rare, respectively. TIE Fighters, Bombers, and Interceptors are the trio of workhorses and comprise the overwhelming bulk of the empire's fighter squadrons. Gunboats fall somewhere in the middle.


As for the VSDs/ISDs and the Calamari Cruisers, well, I can't help but feel that Totally Games really messed up when they made those globes on the Imperial bridges the shield generators for the entire ship. I could understand it if they were EXTRA shield generators to further protect the all-important, centralized command center. That would make sense; however, that's not the case and the rotten squids definitely have better capital ships. Drat! tongue.gif



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Guest Hu Man Bing

Oh no! Don't tell me that they altered the game specs again, and that destroying ship components can take place while the shields are still up!


I remember in X Wing, shooting out the ISD's shield generators would knock all its shields out, but I thought that by TIE Fighter and XvTIE they had changed that so you had to take down the shields before you could destroy individual parts!


If they changed it back, then bad, bad, bad on Totally.

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on the reb side it's close between the x-wing and a-wing. you definitly gotta love flying the ties. it's great takin to the rebels every now and then

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