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Need help with Battle 4's final mission

Guest Paladin1607

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Guest Paladin1607

Hello fellow pilots,


I'm having major problems beating the last (I think its the last) mission in Battle four. It's the part where the Executor jumps in and the escape pod is heading for the Independence. For some reason the SSD blows the Dreadnought Mercury out of the water every single time and I can't beat the mission even thought the damn computer is safe and the Dread isn't even in the mission goals. I've beatin the game before, so why is this happening? I've thrown everything I've got at the SSD but it just ignores me (mostly) and procedes to pound the Dread. The only thing I can think of is I just installed the 2.02 patch. Is there a way to go into Alliances files and disable that objective? I really don't want to skip this mission, any help would be great.

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Guest Neezo

Sounds like a corrupt file to me. I don't have any probs at all. Try to re-install XWA, this should fix the problem, just take a backup of your .PLT file(s) before doing this, cause you'll want your save games as not having to play through all those levels again.

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Guest Starfire

I don't think it is a corrupt file. I think it's those mines (or whatever you call em) that the SSD launch. I had problems with them too.

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Guest Neezo

I don't remember any mines in that mission. The omly mines I remeber is those where you are trying to capture that shuttle some guy stole (you're in an A-Wing BTW). It might be the patch, but I doubt it. A patch IS supposed to fix bugs in a game, not cause more of them.


Have you tried to contact LEC with your problem? If not, do it. They should be able to help you out.

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Guest Neezo

I don't remember any mines in that mission. The only mines I remeber is those where you are trying to capture that shuttle some guy stole (you're in an A-Wing BTW). It might be the patch, but I doubt it. A patch IS supposed to fix bugs in a game, not cause more of them.


Have you tried to contact LEC with your problem? If not, do it. They should be able to help you out.

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Guest Starfire

I don't know what you call em. The small bug-like things that the ISDs shoot at you in long chains. I only saw em after I installed the XWAU, so I don't know if they are a replacement for something or other.

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Those are meant to be the Imperial Superlasers but a bug in the RFP causes MKs to be fired instead of the Empire-Superlaser bolt. Admittedly the best use for Emkay would be firing him at high speed into a solid object but this bug should be fixed in the updated release of the RFP.


I think I remember the mission under discussion and I am puzzled as well, the Mercury should be able to escape before it is killed.

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Guest Paladin1607

Yeah, that's the thing, it just sits there like a bump on a log and doesn't even try to escape. Anyway, I'll try it without killing the IDSII Avenger and see if that helps, thanks for the help.

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