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Gripe!!! Game Ending (Spoilers)!!


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So I'm ticked off.

I had a lot of fun playing the game, and maybe i went through it a little fast, but i thought:


Well, it doesn't matter that I beat it quickly, because I can go back after i've beaten it and finish all the mini-missions that i didn't do before. Plus, won't it be cool to go back and fight people and beasts with all the cool powerups and weapons I got on the ravager, korriban and malachor?


Well, no!! Too bad!! You can't!


Once you're done, you're done. Thats kind of lame. In most of the really good rpg's i've played, you have the option of saving the game upon beating it, so you can continue playing with all of the powerups and skills you acquired at the end of the game.


It's a shame that they didn't include an option like this. It totally would have increased the playability of the game.


Bu the way they did it, it's almost as if they created a whole bunch of powerups and items for pretty much no reason at all. By the time i got the immortality belt, sith lord robe and a bunch of other cool stuff, the game was practically over.


So what was the point?


They should have at least warned me, like have one of the characters tell me "hey, if you've got any unfinished business, get her done now, because after this section of the game is done, thats all she wrote, man."



Grah. vent over.

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I know what you mean... kinda pissed me off too, but still, didn't you read all the discussions on this forum advising people to slow down, enjoy the game, get the fullest out of it by doing all the sidequests, and getting your good stuff early on. There's lots of topics here to help you do that. As for me, I'm playing through again and doing everyting I didn't do the first time.

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Well... all good things must come to an end... in KOTOR once you selected the Unknown World you were stuck going to the games end.



And in TSL once you go to Dantooine to the Rebuilt Jedi Enclaive, you are doing the same thing, ending the game.



Being that KOTOR didn't allow you to continue after the ending, it is no surprise that KOTOR II:TSL does the same thing... it is a sure bet KOTOR III will be the same way. :D

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Actually, I would consider the "point of no return" to be....



The last ecounter with whatever Jedi Master that you have left to encounter.






Because after this point, Kreia will only tell you to go to Dantooine, and nothing else. So that means you can't learn things from her anymore. So if you haven't done so, you'll get no Prestige Class:eek: , no Bonus stats, and possibly no learning about the Handmaiden's mother.


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