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Note to New Players...Something I learned the hard way....


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Unless you want a ridiculously average and boring playing experience, Don't play as a Jedi Watchman.

I thought that he would include the "best of both worlds" in terms of fighting ability and force powers.

But, in fact, he ended up being deperately lacking in both fields. His saber skills were just barely competent enough to kill bosses (even with high strength and double sabers) and his force powers were severely limited.

Not only did he not receive cool force options that would have been very valuable in compensating for his relatively weak attacks, but his force bar seemed to always be running out just when i needed it most.

I guess, the lesson here is, as it always is, is that you can't have it both ways. If you want to be a capable fighter or force user, you're going to have to choose one or the other. Because the combination is really disappointing and will no doubt get trounced when it comes to dealing with some of the more vicious enemies in the game.

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Good advice.


However, I learned that playing as a Jedi Sentinel and then becoming a Bladesmaster is a good combat way to play, and if you build your chracter right, has great FP (I can Force Storm around 6-9 times at level 20). I'm going to see of Jedi Sentinel/Master is good at combat...

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Originally posted by Final Warrior

I learned that playing as a Jedi Sentinel and then becoming a Bladesmaster is a good combat way to play, and if you build your chracter right, has great FP (I can Force Storm around 6-9 times at level 20).


I did the same thing... It's a nice combo, especially if you build up to get master heal and force storm, then you can just run in, weaken them with a few shots of force storm, attack, and heal yourself if you get hurt... I finished with relative ease.

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I went Jedi Sentinel and then Sith Lord my frist time thru and had a blast. Helped out with skills and I mainly use force anyways. I was at a point that I could just keep using force attacks and never run out of force.



I even kept using that one force ability that gives you ++ Force Damage. Fun to have one force Crush kill anything you meet. I even used it on those bloody lightsabers Keria summons. Which is sorta strange if you stop to think about it. Should have tried force choke on em.


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I'm sure your prestige classes added some fun to the game but I played as a Jedi Guardian and was probably level 25 when I beat the game. I had force crush, force storm, death field, master speed, and master drain force powers and my double bladed saber was as good as it gets. I was able to cast any Force power many times even as a Guardian then I could always drain it back. Sion was far too easy even on normal I was able to smight him without healing just as a guardian no prestige class and Kreia wasn't much better although her three floating sabers were annoying but master flurry and a double-bladed saber took them down nicely.

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ah now the watchman isnt so bad, just need to get used to him.

my first LS char was a sentinal/watchman and I loved every minute of that combo. why? well it was average to begin with and

force camo

really helps later on with some sneaking about. Also all those skills sure did make a lot of things a breeze. Hell if you ask me I almost had as much fun playing that combo but the guardian/maurader is just a step up:p

My olny beef with the watchman is that he really doesnt get anything unique to himself and is lesser compared to the assassin. Perhaps his more unique skill is bottom line average:confused:

meh who knows but im tellin ya dude, ya might wanna take a secound look before you spread negativenessss:p

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I went Sentinel/Watchman..... worked like a charm for me. I busted people up. I used my other Jedi friends to carry on some Jedi support for me with their dark side powers. Mira was a powerhouse for me while my character was just all around the leader having capabilities to do anything.


I learned too late in the game that I could change certain characters into Jedi. I avoided some conversations and a lot of times I didn't go deeper into the conversations for fear of losing influence. So at that point I didnt have time to build their powers up so I will be replaying this game come summer... after I play KOTOR I over a bit.




when you get force enlightenment.... kick that on. Sion doesnt stand a chance when you got your saber built up nice.


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