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Use ant craft in skirmish file?

Guest tie_ace666999

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Guest tie_ace666999

I saw a file that supposedly allows you to use any craft in skirmish mode. I went to download it and it didnt download anything, it just displayed a text file in my browser window. NOw is this actually a file that lets you use all the ships(including the sweet sweet tie exp.'s) or is it a load of bull. Second of all what am i supposed to do with this file. If anyone has it could they e-mail it to me. Thanks


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Guest Rogue15

It allows you to fly any craft in skirmish. I'm not sure how i dloaded it b4. Do a new text file, and copy all the stuff that comes up on your browser and save it as shiplist.txt and put it in the xwa directory. I think you could also right click on the link and click save target as...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Redwing

I just downloaded it. What you do is open the shiplist.txt file in XWA program files, copy the stuff into a backup file, and paste everything from the file into the ship list. I have no clue how that would change ANYTHING, all I know is it WORKS.



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Guest Neezo

Yea, Redwing it works allright. Just paste the .TXT file into your shiplist (take a backup of your original shiplist file BEFORE doing this BTW, so that if something screws up, you can simply use your old shiplist wink.gif )

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Guest Redwing

I know it works-I did say so, didn't I?



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

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Guest Redwing

I believe he meant "any". rolleyes.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

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Guest Expert Rookie




"Good, our first catch of the day."

-Captain of the ISD Tyrant, seen in the Empire Strikes Back

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I do recall a ship that looked like a giant wasp (and I think was made out of a giant space-wasp) in a tech guide though, so there would at least be some precedent for Ant craft tongue.gif

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Guest Redwing

A hornet, not a wasp.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

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Guest DragonT

There are both. The hornet interceptor is a man made fighter craft. I think it was seen in the Jedi Academy Trilogy. One shot the Falcon down at Kessel.


Then there is a capital ship that is made from a carved out body of a dead space wasp.

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