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Help please!!!

Guest Redwing

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Guest Redwing

How on earth do I use all the new ship patches I've found? The Readme files explain nothing!



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Guest emupiett

If they don't have their own install files (which most don't), you must get either MXvTEd or BinHexEd or both (both is probably the best). Follow the directions, because it is kind of tough to explain here.



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Guest Redwing

Originally posted by emupiett:

If they don't have their own install files (which most don't), you must get either MXvTEd or BinHexEd or both (both is probably the best). Follow the directions, because it is kind of tough to explain here.



Where can I get these?



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

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Guest Redwing

no, I mean how do I get other people's ships that I download into the Skirmish list? Or am I hopelessly confused?



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

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Guest live4eva

Ok step by step guide.


You can get BinHexED from www.xwingalliance.com click on the d/loads then utilities and download the program and the patch just below it.





Unzip BinHexED to say C:\BinHexED

Next unzip the patch to C:\BinHexED\Xwa


Adding Ships



1. Unzip the downloaded new ship


2. Copy the .opt file into the \Flightmodels directory in the master Xwing Alliance directory.


3. Open up the spacecraft0.lst file, making sure the always use this program to open this file type box is unchecked.


4. Add the line: FlightModels\<newship>.opt


5. Save it


6. Next open up the shiplist file in the master XWA directory.


7. Find the first Species with *dontuseme next to it (in a previously unaltered version that will be species184.


8. Replace the *dontuseme with your new craft's name.


9. Then specify the ship type: either; fighter, shuttle/light transport, container, starship, utility craft, or Freighter/Heavy Transport.


10. If it is a craft you are going to fly, change the next entry to "Flyable" if it isn't don't change it.


11. Change the unknown to known and the noskirmish to skirmish. Save it


12. Open the stings file, also in the main XWA directory.


13. Scroll down to the string for specs entries.


14. Find the first blank entry (on a previously unaltered copy this is !KSPECFTR0!m :) then type in the singular name of the new ship.


15. Then scroll down to the entry for

!KSPECFTR0 in the plural strings for specs section and type in the plural name for the ship.


16. Now go down to the short version of the name section again, for !KSPECFTR0 and type in the abbreviation you want displayed for it. eg. T/I or X-W. Save the file.


17. Open up BinHexED and go File>Open Project

find the XWA_ShipEdit.bhe file (from earlier it would be in C:\BinHexED\Xwa\).


18. Agree to all the dialog boxes that come up and when prompted find the XWINGALLIANCE.exe file. Make sure you find this file NOT the launcher or BHE won't work.


19. Now, in the drop downbox which should read safe mode, go to OPT File location 1 and find the entry for reserved fighter one (its ID 33) this relates to the !KSPECFTR0 entry in the strings file, so if you use a different entry, make sure you know which BHE name it corresponds to and make a note of it's ID. Click on the text box for this entry and change the value to 0 (for shiplist0.lst). File>Wirte to binary file.


20. Now Opt loaction 2 scroll down to reserved fighter 1 (ID33) and in the entry number in the spacecraft0.lst file minus one. So if this is the first ship you are adding, it will be entry 154 so enter 153 into the BHE text box. File> Wirte to binary file.


21. Next go to the Ship Type menu, scroll down to reserved fighter one, or whichever slot you used,and specify the ship type. File>Write to Binary File.


22.Now enable ships, scroll to your entry and enable the ship (type 3 into the text box). File>Write to Binary File.


23.Now go to Species table and scroll down to whichever one you used (the *dontuseme entry) it will be number 184 if this is the first ship you've added. Now remeber the ID of reserved fighter one was 33, so input that into the text box, or whatever the ID was of the slot you used. File > Write to binary file.


24. Now scroll down to reserved fighter one in the list box (or whichever reserved slot you used) and input the data from the readme or text file provided with the .opt file. File> Write to Binary File


25. You just added a new ship to XWAlliance.


Any further questions e-mail me @ csj999@hotmail.com




[This message has been edited by live4eva (edited April 12, 2001).]


[This message has been edited by live4eva (edited April 12, 2001).]

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Guest Redwing

Okay, I feel stupid. I should have known there were tutorials. I do have one question, though...which editor, MXvTED or BinHexEd (sp?) is better for simply installing ships?


BTW, someone needs to take a look at the XWAU upgraded-models installer (at Darksaber's OPT site), it very nearly ruined my game. When loaded, it won't allow you to play for over five seconds without crashing. And it won't uninstall completely.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

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Guest Redwing

Okay, the beta editor MXvTED flat out does NOT work. Crud.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

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