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Oh.......damn(Spoilers, need some clarification.)


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I think I've just ruined the game for myself, I couldn't take the waiting anymore and read the final Chronicles section, which reveals Kreia(Sp?) to infact me a Sith, Lord of the Sith even, and Revans former master. The to try and find out if I'd ruined the "big" secret I read a little of some of the threads here, and found out Darh Tyra(Again SP, I know its wrong just pointing it out to avoid needless flames.) is infact Kreia herself!



Big shocks, and I fear I've spoilt the "big" things of KOTOR 2, PLEASE tell me I'm wrong, and they are actually not much in terms of spoilers at all, I don't hold out much hope though. :(

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*Crys* :(


And I didn't read the last page first, I had been following the chronicles since the start, not that they were anything new to me(BIG EU, Sith especially, whore.)


Damn, seems like such a crappy twist, from the first time I saw her in a screenshot, to the final few weeks before the game, I've hated her, I'm extremlly pissed off she's such a big focus of the main game. *Angry mode on*

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Dont worry bud, She isnt *That* big of a deal to the whole story.

There are a few other surprises for you and you alone, but not as impacting as Kotor1. I personally like K2 better, even though the story isnt as powerful as K1. It still has enough twists and importance to make you smile and say Hell yeah as you unlock more and more information.

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Hope your right :)


I've just been doing some last minute research on the game, to help avoid any serious bugs, or missing something big in game.


I did the same with KOTOR 1, and after reading about the Carth bug, I'm glad I did, as I did the right things needed to avoid it.


There are some horrible bugs in TSL, and some in-game events you can **** up by total mistake, I can see I'll have a lot of save files this time around. :mad:


I've just about worked out my character/party strategy, see what you think, and if you could give me any points on how NOT to screw it up, I'd appreciate it.


Dark Side Male, unsure on starting and prestige class yet, probally Guardian/Mauruder. Supporting party Handmaiden(JEDI version) and Viass(Sp?). A real Sith team. I'm thinking of going to Dant first and doing some of the quests there first, and sorting the Saber/Crystals out, and then instead of playing through normally, going to Korriban and using the spawn exploit(You have heard of it I'm sure) to get upto Level 40+(And then getting Prestige class earlier than usual)

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To be honest, I would play through the first time without using the level up glitch. It really takes away from the fun of the game when nothing has even a remote chance of standing against you.

You can easily beat the game at lvl 25 and atleast at that level it makes a few of the harder challenges more challenging.


Make use of atleast one party member such as Atton or Bao-Dur as a gear head with the highest possible skills as soon as possible. So you can breakdown and create upgrades to ensure your main party members are outfitted with the best stuff the game has to offer.


Just remember, the true fun of the game is figuring out all the quests and dialogue mysteries, be sure not to rush through it as a god-like warrior and get to the end too quickly or you will be dissappointed. My advice is to play it as it was meant to be played, figure everything out and enjoy the journey. The replay value is excellent and you will have time to use the level up glitch and super Saber glitch on your 2nd or 3rd time through the game.


my personal favorite class was Guardian/Weaponmaster because you still have decent force powers (force wave and force enlightenment mainly) yet you will have great damage reduction and melee ability which even the hardest characters you face will find themselves begging for their life in a short amount of time.


I played a Consular/Sith lord and have to say it was a little more difficult in some areas of the game, but ultimately was unstoppable and it was rare for anything or anyone to get close enough to actually cause me harm.


I wish you luck in finding what you seek along your journey Jedi.

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Good stuff mate, just a couple of things though:


I have heard from several people that breakdown/create is only affected by the Exiles repair skills, as its him using the workbench, so leveling Bao-Dur/Atton in it would be somewhat pointless.


I must admit I'm having a hard time picking my starting class now I look a guides listing of the differences. I definatly don't want Consular as I played one in KOTOR and it wasn't much fun I have to say. So that leaves Guardian or Sentinel, now I would like to level several skills so Sentinel wins due to getting 3 per level compared to Gaurdians 1. I do however want Vitality, and Guardian gets 2 per level compared to Sentinel. Powers at level 20(For example) are both the same for these 2 classes. So that leaves feats I guess, and Guardian comes out on top due to 11 to 10. However I CANNOT decide what to settle on, simply because I DON'T want to tie myself down as a LS/Melee combat guy only, I really would like to use both LS and Force with devestating affect, so some would argue Sentinel/Sith Assasin would be the thing to do, the only problem is you end up as a somewhat "dabbler" and don't specialize in anything. I've played through the first many times, and had always been a LS whore, until I REALLY started using Force powers a lot(Not just to knockdown or heal and such.) and I enjoyed it to hell, taking out near everyones health in a room with Force Storm, Chocking with "Kill" and diseasing them, really fits playing a Sith I think. I must admit due to the fact guardians only plus is 2 vitality per level, and 1 feat, that Sentinel followed by Sith Lord or Mauruder(Sp?) would be best.


Bah, no matter how many times I go over it I really don't know. :(

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Ah yes, Sith Lord is truly a devasting creature, and if you take your Constitution to 18 you will have around 400+ HP to play with, which is acceptable. But you must be careful with your feats as they will be few and you must choose them wisely.


Guardian gets the Force Jump feat as well, which I loved in K1. Not quite as handy if you rely on force powers to survive though.


Also, about the Item Creation...

Just have one of them in your party (not on the Ebon Hawke) and select them as the party leader then use a workbench. This way it is their skill used to determine the breakdown/create requirements and not yours. You can instead get by with just a couple skills like Security, computer and Awareness for instance.


Really, I havent played a class combo I havent liked yet. I am about to start a new character which I think will be a Guardian/Watchmen this time. This will be my 5th time playing through and it still hasnt gotten boring or stale.

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I must admit in KOTOR 1 pretty much every time I went through I just used "Med Use"(Or whatever, its what I call it though) :p And nothing else, as Mission/Zaalbar got the skills to do everything I wanted.


Persuassion would be nice, BUT, since I'm playing Dark, I can either use the old hand wave trick, OR kill em hehe, never had to persuade anyone, I'm a Sith......I TAKE IT!


Your sure that breakdown/build trick works? If so that makes my choice a little easier, as I only really need to put points into Med Use, so Guardian would win.

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