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Korriban Caves Force Glitch??


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I am in the Dark Side Caverns in Korriban, and for some reason my force powers are not regenerating ... I can get a little power back by using force drain, but otherwise my force powers are pretty much non existent...they won't regenerate.

Does the dark side cave have this effect on light jedi? Or is my game glitched?

Thanks for any help with this....

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  • 1 year later...



I found a way around that problem.


Two ways. If you don't have any dark side powers then make sure you have a Jedi Master robe on and it will slowly rebuild your force powers. VERY slow.


The other way is if you have force drain and lightening powers and you can go to the area with Jedi corpse and use the "glitch" there to get two beasts to appear. What I've done was access the Jedi corpse several times to have a chamber full of beasts. I use the force power to max my force power then use lightening to kill them. I do this to leave up pretty fast (highest I leveled to was 45 before getting bored). HOWEVER.... If you level up TOO much you will not be able to level up your other characters once you exit the tomb, at least I couldn't the first time I leveled up higher then 25.

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