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Observing how much darker KOTOR 2 is...(Spoilers)


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I've played this game almost 3 times now, and the first time through I felt uncomfortable, but for more reasons than the let down ending...


This game breaks down so many Star Wars boundaries. While the first made it clear that not everyone liked Jedi, this one brings an entirely new perspective to Jedi, Sith, and the Force.


The cast is as well far darker. There is a line spoken by Kreia I believe, that your shipmates are by circumstance. That rings so true. In KOTOR1, everyone was pretty much your friend, and at the end you all celebrated having defeated the Sith.







In KOTOR2, you have someone who once hunted and found great joy in killing Jedi, you have a bounty hunter who sought you out simply to turn to in, you have a Sith Lord-ess manipulating you to do her sick will. You have the "leader" of the Exchange in robot form join you after he captured you! You have the APPRENTICE of Darth Nihilus in your ranks as well!



And the friends Revan had in KOTOR1 cannot be fully trusted either.

Although T3-M4 is good natured, he is still hiding quite a lot from you. HK-47 was always shady, but you knew he was loyal to Revan, whereas he has his own motives in KOTOR2, which he is not apt to share with you. And Canderous Ordo, while still a hardcore Mandalorian in the original, is now with you simply to rebuilt the empire that you fought so hard to defeat.


And if that isn't enough, the remaining Jedi pretty much hate you and attempt to cut you off from the Force.


And this is all amplified by an underlying feeling of weakness in regards to people. You can't just make them like or hate you despite your "special" features, and the most you can often do is hope to keep them from killing you. Those who follow you simply do that, and are not willing to divulge much info at first either.



I say all this to say bravo to Obsidian for being that brave. The fact that they took the universe I love and were bold enough to make me uncomfortable in it says worlds for them. Some would say the game takes you on a path much like ESB, but while I agree to an extent, all ESB did was leave you on an uncomfortable note. KOTOR2 does the same, but it also made you uncomfortable through the whole story. This is bold indeed, and as much as I regret the rushed aspects of the game, I have faith that they are on to something great, and am excited to see where this non-linear story takes us next.


I agree this game didn't have the jaw drop fall out of chair and cry moment, but who could have really expected the sequel to top that? Obsidian knew they couldn't, and instead tormented your emotions on a different level.


Despite all the flaws, bravo.


Spoiler tags and warning added by Darth333 - Please use spoiler tags when posting spoilers - a simple mention in the title is not sufficient. Forum rules concerning TSL spoilers.

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Good post.


I can't say I disagree with alot of what you said, but it is in my nature to try. So... here goes.


The below text will most definetly spoil a great number of character stories and game plots so please, only read it if you have beaten the game or truly wish to know more about the characters with you.



I felt that K2 was emphasizing more on redemption. You are surrounded by people that really never liked you or ever will like you. You are hunted from the word go and everyone you meet really could care less about you.

However, Throughout the game you are given the ability to show them compassion and the true nature of the force. The Jedi Murdering Atton Rand can find redemption for his sins and through your compassion he can become a Jedi himself in order to right all the wrongs in his past. The Bounty Hunter Mira, who's only goal was to turn you in for the credits is shown the light and finds her inner peace with the world. As Kreia said, She stops hunting life and starts living it. Through your compassion and love, Visas finds no truth in the teachings of her old master and comes to terms with the destruction of her world. You show her an entire new perspective of life and the galaxy she has never seen before.

Even Bao-Dur who holds so much hatred and rage against the Mandalorians learns to calm the storm inside of him as you show him the ways of being a Jedi. Take him on the Dxun mission and let him step into one of the darkside manifestations... he fights the rage and later he tells you how much better he feels for it.

Handmaiden joins your team to watch you for her mistress, but realizes her mistress was wrong about you and many many other things, through you she learns so much about the truth of the force and goes so far as to break her sacred oaths in order to walk in your light and be as you are.


Yes the sequel is a dark game, but it is my belief that it is because of the darkness that you can finally see the light. Through your dedication and devotion to the heart of the Jedi teachings, others find redemption and you are no longer the last of the Jedi... you are the rebirth.


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Drazin, mate I respect ya and your a nice guy, but please stop with that corny trash. :D


I'm gonna do everything I can to kill off as many of my characters as possible, I'm a Sith at heart, always have been, always will be. THAT is what REALLY turns me on about TSL, its so much darker, so much more sadistic, and finally caters to the evil ones like me. I CAN'T WAIT! Feb 11th, so close, yet SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO far. :(

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i agree with you 100 percent the game is much more depressing the whole party is not as tight bonded as before. i mean the closest you can get to is visas or either handmaiden or disiple and even there there is no conncetion like in the first with bastilla. you would think the jedi would accept you i mean that is a powerful ally.



kriea is right if you let the jedi live when you meet in the jedi camp. she says they are all blinded because you came there to help them and they in turn cut you off from the force. i mean they let revan have a second chance my question is why don't you get a second chance for them.


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Because, the Exile was an echo in the Force, of course. He/she can feed off of Force sensitives and can influence them EASILY.


"And that, we cannot allow." ~Vrook(?)


But you already knew that. :p


The Council wouldn't want to be manipulated, right?



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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont really like this current trend in the gaming industry. It seems just about every sequel now is darker than its previous installments and not always for the better. I dont believe everything thrown into the game for the sake of its new atmosphere were neccesary or very creative. For instance "Darth Speaks funny" and "sleeps with vibroblades" were two very unintresting characters, they're just carbon copies of every super evil scary oh look how cool I am bad guy and "Darth speaks funny" was easily the worst of the two. I did however like the fact the Jedi are now treated with mistrust, I felt that this made alot of sense considering the events of KOTOR1. "Darth old" was also an intresting character I think more games should villians like this instead of people who want to make the world go boom because they wanna see some fireworks.

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I rather like darker games and/or stories. Desperate times and situations call upon new heroes to save the day. Star Wars is no different. I do think it's just what the public wants. Not all stories are happy-go-lucky anyways.


There are many dark stories out there. (:vadar: Episode 3 :vadar: ) But I know what you're saying. Although KoTOR 2 didn't do the story part very well, there are other positives about it. And we now can wait for KoTOR 3, which could be the Return of the Jedi of the series and have a happy ending at the end. :)

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