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What am I doing wrong

Guest Daxx

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Guest Daxx

I on mission 5 or 6 where I need to go to the two moon station help pick up some containers then go back to my home base and meet up with my buddy, then join the rebel convoy. Everything is fine till I get to my home base and the Empire shows up. after only about a minute it says something was destroyed and the Objective failed. then that stupid robot thing starts telling me I should just give up now. I kill all the baddies and warp to the rebel convoy where all my freinds are but nothing happens they just float around unless I start shooting them. I have tried this level 5 or 6 times and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, any help!!!!!Please!!!!!

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The problem is that if you lose that container, your mission fails. Addtionally that container is very easy to destroy by warhead fire.


When you arrive at the Azammen base. Go about 2 Km to the Starboard side of the Station (moer if you can) this is the general area where the Hyper bouy the rebel staging point is.


Dont engage any Enemies (unless yo uare not carrying a container) A few stray alsers blast can ruin the whole mission.

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