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Kreia responds better to female Exile?


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This is my 4th playthrough, first time as a female. Up till now I'd given up on Kreia because she is a grumpy schutta, but I jsut happened to talk to Kreia the first time I could on the ship and she blurted almost everything out, 90% of which I'd never heard. Is it proven that she is more receptive to females, or is there something else at work?

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Originally posted by NenDaiKi

This is my 4th playthrough, first time as a female. Up till now I'd given up on Kreia because she is a grumpy schutta, but I jsut happened to talk to Kreia the first time I could on the ship and she blurted almost everything out, 90% of which I'd never heard. Is it proven that she is more receptive to females, or is there something else at work?


Nah, it's just now you're actually taking the time to speak to her.


Originally posted by Devilsfanatic

She's gotta be a lesbian.


Well, that may be going a little too far. :animelol:

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It has alot to do with her opinion of you. If you play light side it is really freakin hard to get her to spill the beans. Not simply because you are light side, she doesn't care about that so much. Simply because she's a mean B*** and if you aren't mean enough for her, she won't say much. Note that being blatently, absurdly evil isn't what she wants eaither - she just wants you to be mean and selfish.

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Agreed Zonzai.


Its not so much that you are a girl, but what you say or do.

She wants you to learn how to manipulate those around you, not just for your own benefit, but for theirs as well.


Also... Sion seems to think alot more of you as a girl however.

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Originally posted by NenDaiKi

This is my 4th playthrough, first time as a female. Up till now I'd given up on Kreia because she is a grumpy schutta, but I jsut happened to talk to Kreia the first time I could on the ship and she blurted almost everything out, 90% of which I'd never heard. Is it proven that she is more receptive to females, or is there something else at work?


Originally posted by NenDaiKi

You aren't paying attention. I did things EXACTLY the same as I did with my two other male LS chars. Yet now she acts COMPLETELY different.


Not paying attention? You didn't mention the word "exactly" in your post once. Nor the word "same."


Also, keep in mind that having a higher Wisdom/Intelligence opens many dialogues with Kreia. Did you give your character the exact same stats as your males?


And as for Sion, he really creeped me out playing as a female, I nearly went darkside just so I could cut him down and end that torment.

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