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Different types of warheads

Guest Fernando

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Guest Fernando

Could anyone post here the differences between all the warheads?, I mean, what is the proper use of each?



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Guest Expert Rookie

Concussion Missile- Small and fast, good against fighters.


Proton Torpedo- Small, fast similar to concussion missile except it causes more damage, good against starships.


Adv Missle & Torpedo- I don't see any difference with the normal warheads... I think they might be more powerful and will have the target locked on longer.


Mag Pulse- I just figured what this one does a few days ago... no matter what ship you fire these things on, it will drain the weapons power for a period of time. Good against SDs


Ion Pulse- Like a Ion cannon, just more powerful and in warhead form.


Space Bomb- Certain death for any capital ship... that is, if it gets past the turbolaser defense... a good idea to use with Mag Pulses. Extremely slow though.


Heavy Rockets- Heavily armed, slow though (faster than space bomb), not as damaging as the space bomb but more than the torpedo. Possibly the best warhead against a starship.



"It's not wise to upset a rookie." Expert Rookie's X-wing Alliance Heaven




[This message has been edited by Expert Rookie (edited May 23, 2001).]

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Concussion Missile- Small fast low-yeild warhead best used agaisnt slow light fighters, or medium fighters. The weakest of the bunch.


Photon Torpedo- Double the yield of the misslie, but is a bit slower. used best for small staionary targets or heavy fighters.


Adv Missle & Torpedo- More yield then the previos models, and faster. Yet have the same range. Adv missiels are by far the best for dogfighting. Adv proton can do loads of damage agaisnt heavy fighters.


Mag Pulse- For fighters it drains al stored weapons energy. It also disablest he weapons systems for all craft for 10-30 seconds. IMHO i think they do too much to Captial ships.


Ion Pulse- Like a Ion cannon, just more powerful and in warhead form.


Space Bomb- High yield warhead. best used large stationary targets. Launch at speeds above 100 MGLT for them to be effective. Best use of the warhead would be to fire it without any lock on, nad judge the leading that is needed. In a pinch you can fire it at clsoe range, but be aware of the blast radius of the warhead.


Heavy Rockets- Faster, lower yielding warhead then the Space bomb, best used in formation satration of Large Capital ships.


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Guest Rogue15

photon torpedo is from star trek. there is no photon torpedo in xwa unless it's in an addon or patch.


Proton Torpedo is the name you're looking for.

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Guest Ajim

Originally posted by Rogue15:

photon torpedo is from star trek. there is no photon torpedo in xwa unless it's in an addon or patch.


Proton Torpedo is the name you're looking for.

LOL Real Cute dude..imagine..fighters on Photon Torpedoes..WEEEEHAAAA....im lookin forward to that...but whats the use of these weapons if u "sometimes Use it" it sucks is it?





Ace Rulez

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