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MECK Project - The Insidious Plot


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hmm.. alright.. i tried my best.. i compared both app.2da´s and fixed the lines like u posted it in the other thread darth.

and i also managed it to add a new line to the heads.2da. and fixed the value to the heads to app.2da. cause the obiwan head is on line 107. so i tried to fix that, too.


but the stormtroopers still dont show up ingame, so i think i did somthing wrong.


but i'll try it again tomorrow when i slept a night over it. maybe i get an idea what happened when i get some sleep :D


otherwise, if i cant get it right, then all my hope is up to u chainz ;):D





alright, i think i did somthing wrong here. as i said gave them stormtroopers another value (like the line i added in the heads.2da) so the sithtroopers should look like stormtroopers and so on.


but they dont. the only thing changed is that the black head of this 'plot mod' changed to a troopers helmet. and actually... i dont understand why. cause i didnt change that line. its kinda irritating. in the beginning i thought, "hey this is easier than i ever imagined" but now im stuck about that, cause i dont see why that happened.:confused:

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Originally posted by Dan_P_Fuller

Hi, great work on the mod, much enjoyed.

One thing, When he dies your master tell you to search for 'mace windu' on dantooine, I can find hide noe hair of him.

Install version 1.1 and read the readme and i am sure you will.


Originally posted by FunSolo

hmm.. alright.. i tried my best.. i compared both app.2da´s and fixed the lines like u posted it in the other thread darth.

and i also managed it to add a new line to the heads.2da. and fixed the value to the heads to app.2da. cause the obiwan head is on line 107. so i tried to fix that, too.

The ObiWan head # 107 in hrads.2da is not the one included in the pack (which is #123) it is actually Orsan's ObiWan head. I just thought if anyone would like to use it could only take adding this reference in app.2da.

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but its still strange that the head in the char sheet changed to the stormtrooperhelmet, cause i added it as a new line in heads and copied the value to the app.2da.. thats the irritating part about it. cause i didnt touch the headline of it. :confused: :confused: :confused:

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Does anyone still have this mod uploaded somewhere or could they load it on to http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/ because ive reformatted my come many times since and ive picked up kotor to try the legend one last time :) If anyone has this please pst me


Mod Edit: Reminder please do not post in these threads asking for a mod link or rehosting... we know PCGM is down and have no control over it. PCGM FAQ. Thanks. -RH

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