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Bah, forget lightsabers, forget blasters, force powers just own everything. A consular watchman will have the highest possible DC, and the watchmans best defence and saves, coupled with high stats and a force whirlwind (which you will not save regardless of sentinel/watchman status) will have you twirling in the air for three rounds, and I see myself repeating force lightning and whirlwind so that you will never ever get anything on me. Blasters? Blaster deflection mondo bonuses will most likely have you hitting yourself, and grenades and mines will never come into play. If I'm feeling up to it though, I might just as well hit you with my lightsaber while you fly in the air and get insane sneak attack bonus, regardless you will when youre feet thouch the ground you'll be dead. Again, range advantage is not a problem, blaster deflection thankyou very much. Oh yes I forgot force enlightment so ok bye.

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Force shield Visor 4tw!

It's a little too easy to save against force powers when you are a Jedi. And well... I have the same force powers. which pretty much means whoever gets their Force Wave / Stasis field off first and makes it stick, is going to walk away the victor.


I'd rather debate Unarmed combat vs Melee weapon/lightsaber combat.

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jack dell,


Play fair now, otherwise we'd just Force Crush you to death. :D


You know, I would use long-range weapons more if there were new animations for them. :mad: It's all the same from the first. Well, except the new Y button animations. More reasons to keep pressing Y while running from place to place! :animelol:

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Originally posted by Derc

jack dell,


Play fair now, otherwise we'd just Force Crush you to death. :D


You know, I would use long-range weapons more if there were new animations for them. :mad: It's all the same from the first. Well, except the new Y button animations. More reasons to keep pressing Y while running from place to place! :animelol:


You got me there, and I must say, the new melee animations are pretty cool!

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I just wanted to add a correction to something I posted earlier.

When I said I had Force Immunity -Stun/horror/Paralysis on my weaponmaster, his base class was a Sentinel.

Sentinel is what grants those immunities.


As such, disregard my Argument concerning my Force Jump Weaponmaster vs Blaster Stuns. I will just have to equip my Guardian/Weaponmaster with some Anti-Stun equipment or something.


At anyrate... Please continue.

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Originally posted by Drazin

I'd rather debate Unarmed combat vs Melee weapon/lightsaber combat.


I like the animation when unarmed people dodge the melee attacks. They go Matrix or something. I was :eyeraise: when Kreia first did that.


Other than that, I don't like the idea of fists vs. melee.

Melee(lightsabers) all the way!

But unarmed vs. unarmed is REALLY cool.

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I agree Derc.

Lightsaber 4tw!


But you gotta hand it to Bao-Dur and Handmaiden for their excellent Unarmed damage. I'll have to check through some of my saves and find my best Handmaiden and Bao-Dur unarmed damage. I know its as high as some lightsaber damage I have seen.


-your friendly, neighborhood, lightside forum troll-

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