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Guest U.C.R Commander

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Guest U.C.R Commander

What do you do when you are targeted for attack in XWA


1.Run away

2.Put on your awsome evasive moves

3.Instead attack them so the danger turns to them instead of you.

4.Stick them the finger and forget about them because your moves are to good to get hit. (If you have an A-wing You A-wing lovers out there)


Just want to know.

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Depends if you mean missile or laser.


Missiles I try to figure out who's doing it and then turn towards them to either shoot them or shoot the missiles.


Laser it depends on how skilled the attacker is, lower AI levels can hardly hit you if you are flying straight so you can almost ignore whole groups of them in favour of finishing what you were doing. If the attacker does pose a threat then I either attack them immediately or try to dodge around a bit more while I finish what I was doing.

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Guest Jared

I would go for 3 if I don't have invulnerability on. If I do have it on then I get them right in front of me and trying to ram me,AND THEN I FIRE MY TORPEDOS IN THEIR FACE!! They never survive.

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Guest PLightstar

it depends on the ship if its a tie bomber or other craft with poor or no shields I tend to turn to face them and swing from side to swide and fire. If the crsft has shields them I try to come around behind them using erractic manuvers

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Guest Jared

you are right but if you hit there forward sheilds with 2 torpedos they all ways go out if the hit is a direct one.If it is a tie then it is toast.

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Guest Ba'rad

I bank 'n' roll (I love the rudder on my joystick!) then gleefully blast the idiot who had the temerity to attempt to match my superior combat skills! Sometimes I ignore them like mosquitos, though, if a critical mission objective has to be completed (like escorting a weak cap ship).

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