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You guys will like what im doing now


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I dont know if anyone has continued the story of the Azzameens. If not, then it will happen now biggrin.gif


The first mission is almost complete and the Battle Name will be Remants of the Empire. In the first mission, it may seem easy at first but surprices will follow wink.gif


In the first mission, you have to inspect the Research Station Tacknic, once you did that, all you do is go home....or do you. Well, once i finished the whole thing and got the AI to do what i want, then i will release them.


I am hoping that X-Wing Alliance.net or .com can host this missions smile.gif


Should be released by the end of the day or tommorrow morning. Then i will start more work on the campaign.

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Guest Wraith 5

I started doing that but i had other things i had to get done. If you would like i will see if i can find the few missions i had done or I will give you the few ideas i had for missions...

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Yup I started planning out missions and a story as well, but got sidetracked with other projects.


Basically the jist of the story was Ace finally gets some leave after Endor, heads back home and helps rebuild the Azzameen Family Business, finally deals with the Viraxo. Has trouble with a mysterious pirate group and (as a side story) goes after some Imperials...


It would have IMO completed the XWA story and tied up all the loose ends nicely!


Only problem was the the entire thing would have been at least 30 missions, and since I don't make missions for XWA myself, I would have needed outside help...



...A battered and bloody Chewie regained his footing, stood up high on a pile of rubble, and faced the descending moon with arms upraised and a defiant roar.

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Wraith, if you do find those missions that you created, then it would be great if you could send them to me.


Primarch, i would help out if needed so just ask me anytime and i will see what i can get done for you.


These missions will continue the story of the Azzameen family which Lucasarts has left wide open.


Anyway, my first release to the public should be done later, i just need to get the orders sorted out for the AI and the briefing done. Also what will be new is new email messages from the whole family etc...


Watch this space, something great is about to happen

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Guest Wraith 5

you know K_K as a good idea.


I woun't mind helping out makeing the missions,but i am not very good at makeing the mission breifings.


also it is no go for the yous i had they got lst the lst time i resorted my laptop. but i still know what the basic story line was of each mission if you would like that i can send that much to you or i can redo them and then send it to you.

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Guest ACEJim

I would be willing to help you with the missions. Right now I'm concentrating on finishing the first chapter of my new 15 mission campaign; it should be out in a week or two and I think Abolisher is going to host it for me. (Thanks man! smile.gif)




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