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Imperial Starfleet

Janek Sunber

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Hi people I thought if I post in here you may notice what our offer is.


I represent a clan called Imperial Starfleet. It has been playing for a while games like X Wing vs TIE Fighter and XWA. Most of the games we originally played are dead so most of our people are gone. However there are a few of the oldskools plus some of us -who joined recently- trying to restart our clan. We plan to play Battlefront, Empire at War and Republic Commando. What types of game? several of them: getting involved in tournaments and ladders playing as a team or following non melee wars or even a RPG based gameplay. Ranks and organization are quite canonical since one of our leaders is using an imperial sourcebook to reorganize things, so if you wish to join the ranks of the Empire and serve the Emperor this is the right place for you!. We are looking for people willing to play, active people who loves to work as a team tho anyone is welcome. We have set up a board here : http://isnholonet.proboards45.com/index.cgi



Our factions are: Old Republic and Galactic Empire.



Remember to mention me as a recruiter if you decide to join ;) . Thanks.

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