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Hk-47. . .


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Here is a list of where the HK parts are found. Generally they are not very difficult to locate, but depending on how you go through the planets, it may take longer than you would want.



Vocabulator - From HK-50 on Peragus when you are forced to fight him and his 4 floating mines.

Control Cluster - On Telos surface, polar region. 3 HK-50's attack you and one has the cluster, or Dantooine from the droid merchant Akkere outside Koonda.

Processor - found on Iziz from the Droid Vendor outside the Cantina.

Chassis - these will be found on Nar Shadaa while playing as T3-M4 during his mission inside Vogga's Driod Warehouse. 3 HK-50's attack T3 and one has the Chassis.


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