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Need help on Dxun


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Hopefully this will still work on the PC version... :D


Take control of Mandalore and keep running circles around the squared thing in the middle. Visas and Handmaiden probably won't last, but that's why you're running away. The Sith Lords will chase you around this merry-go-round, so take the time to shoot them when it's safe. When one gets too close, run! You'll win eventually.


Don't worry, maybe in future playthroughs, you'll defeat them "normally."

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I prefer to send Mira (or Hanharr if you are DS) along with Bao-Dur and Either Visas or Mandalore. The more Jedi you send in there the easier it is to win. Mandalore makes a great Melee and Ranged Blaster rifle member. He can outperfom many of your Jedi Companions with either, if his equipment is good. Force Storm from other jedi companions makes quick work of the lesser sith, and a good Stasis Field or Force wave will do well to keep your party alive against the Sith lords. As long as you make sure to equip an energy shield of high quality and have energy resistence trained, they wont do much to hurt you. Focus fire on 1 until its dead. Concentrating your firepower from your companions on 1 Sith Lord at a time will kill them much faster and you won't get half as hurt.



I put this in a spoiler just incase. I don't want Bad Darth333 Karma for making any mistakes around here :)

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