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Malachor V: defeating end boss


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Soooooooo...are you gonna fix it yourself or are you gonna let Darth333 do it for you?:dozey:


Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak


As for the fight...


...remember to use Life Support Packs via the Inventory menu. Also if you have Force Immunity, use it because she'll just use Drain Life when her health is low.


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Originally posted by Derc

Soooooooo...are you gonna fix it yourself or are you gonna let Darth333 do it for you?:dozey:



As for the fight...


...remember to use Life Support Packs via the Inventory menu. Also if you have Force Immunity, use it because she'll just use Drain Life when her health is low.


...sadly, I do not have force immunity. And I'm no where near a next level up.

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Before the battle begins(before you enter combat mode, not before the talking), use your best stimulants. Use Energy shields to fend off some of her lightsaber attacks and make sure you have some sort of immunity to Stun/Fear/Horror just in case she uses Force Wave on you.


If you can't get past this part...well...nevermind for now.

Good Luck!


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Originally posted by Derc

Before the battle begins(before you enter combat mode, not before the talking), use your best stimulants. Use Energy shields to fend off some of her lightsaber attacks and make sure you have some sort of immunity to Stun/Fear/Horror just in case she uses Force Wave on you.


If you can't get past this part...well...nevermind for now.

Good Luck!


Which shield would work best?

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Originally posted by Drazin

Anything with high energy resistence.

Verpine Prototype works well.


What class are you? And if I may ask, what Force powers do you have trained?


I'm a LS Jedi Master, and I have Death Field, Insanity, Force Storm, Kill, Force Body, Master Heal, Battle Meditation, Energy Resistance, now Force Resistance, Inspire Followers, Breath Control, and that's that.

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If you havent beaten her yet, All I can suggest is a tried and true battle tactic. Hit and Run. If you master speed your way to the door, across the bridge, she probably won't follow you. Will give you time to buff up for the fight. Atleast try and force wave/Stasis her so she cant attack back. And either keep using force wave/Force Scream/Force Storm or jack her up with your lightsabers if you can get her stunned. I won't say more, just... you will probably be back a few minutes later after you defeat her.

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I just run from Kreia whenever my health gets low until she stops following me and I use force heal or a life support pack to heal myself. Once I figured out how the last part of the game goes I was able to defeat her easily because by then my lightsaber and my feats were pretty powerful and I just laid it on her until she was gone.






I need to fight her sometime when I go to the darkside because then I can use my 15-47 energy damage double blade lightsaber on her. *I got that partially from cheating and getting a few choice items but one of the crystals will only work with darkside so I couldnt use the saber with lightside, but I still have a few 13-35 lightsabers for that*.



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Originally posted by Drazin

Atleast try and force wave/Stasis her so she cant attack back.

Yeah, good luck with that. My level 30 Consular/Jedi Master with 45 Wisdom couldn't get stasis to work on her. I had to die, resort to old fashioned toe-to-toe fighting, and pray that I made it to the end


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Sorry Achilles.

I haven't fought as a Master Yet, so I have never had any problems beating the tough stuff with my Weaponmasters or Watchmen, or Sith Lord, or Marauder.



Kreia has somewhere in the vicinity of 900 vitality. Which is easy to knock off in a couple rounds with a Weaponmaster or anyone with Force Crush. I pity the poor Jedi Masters that have to take her down with lightning or something.


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Yeah, I...

beat the crap out of her with no effort on my first playthough (difficulty: Normal). My pc was a level 29 watchman with a maxed out double-bladed lightsaber and more than his fair share of strength enhancing items. Took like 2 rounds be kill her.

Level 30 Jedi Master with a single saber, a hardcore mod, and almost no strength to speak of didn't even get a swing in the first time.

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Well, I went back to a game I saved on Dantooine. It was my first planet, but I don't care. Usually what is best for me is to start over. I used it on the first KOTOR...and it worked. But I'll keep that in mind. Thanks to all you guys for your help. :-)

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Master Speed + Master Flurry = Dead Traya

Use force powers, stims, and an energy shield before battle.


I was extremely disappointed at the easiness of her... Malak had a bunch of Jedi to replenish his life with, but Traya dropped like a Vietnamese prostitute for a five dollar bill.

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I had no problem with her when I played as LS Guardian Weapon Master. I had sabers that specialized in Critical Strikes so at times I took 3/4 of her health in one hit.


My 2nd play through was DS Sentinel Assassin. It was pretty OK, took longer than the weapon master. Force Immunity is a must to resist her powers.


I'm just starting as a LS Consular (to Jedi Master) ... and I think I'm going to have a problem!

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Originally posted by j3di_sean

I'm just starting as a LS Consular (to Jedi Master) ... and I think I'm going to have a problem!


Actually LS Consular --> Jedi Master was my easiest game against Traya. Max out Speed, Armour and Valour then slap on Enlightment plus Energy Resistance and Force Immunity and she can't touch you.

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Oddly enough, I found her quite difficult on my Sith Lord playthrough.

Traya herself isn't too hard but she has a big resistance against force powers even with the highest wisdom you can get without cheating.

I had to use force crush at least 15 times to kill her and the flying sabers have a lot of VP and are also very resistant to force powers. They took me out as I tried to use Force Storm on them.

It was a nightmare.


Watchmen/Assassins and Weapon Masters/Marauders shouldn't have any problem at all.

Weapon Masters have a slight advantage(Force Enlightment and all of the defensive force powers as opposed to only Master Speed and Battle Meditation for Marauders).

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