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We need a bit more free form in KOTOR 3...

Excalibur Bane

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I just finished TSL, kinda a let down, but it was pretty hard to top the first games end.


What we really need is a living, breathing universe that allows much, much more free form play instead of constantly being scripted like in the two previous titles. Obsidian (or whoever develops the third) should rip a page out of the Morrowind book in this area. It had a whole world you could run around in, and that was very cool. Why not have a Star Wars game like that? And no, I wouldn't consider SWG as a half decent replacement for a solid, open-ended single player RPG set in the Star Wars galaxy.


I dunno how it would work, but it would be cool to have alot more planets and be able to go anywhere you want. You want to start a spice racket? No, problem. You start trading spice from system to system. You want to become a great Sith Lord and manipulate the locals? Go right ahead. We really need that kind of free form. It would give the game a lot more replayability then it has right now.


The game certainly seemed to lack the personal touch in many of the enviroments that you would expect to see if someone was actually living there. That's my only real problem with TSL. A Morrowind of Star Wars would be the ultimate SW game in my opinion, but that's my two cents for tonight. :)

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Such a game would take years to create. Morrowind took like 4-6 years. We all want a game like that I'm sure, but I just don't see it happening. Kinda like with Fable. It could happen, but that's just wishful thinking.


Oh, and Morrowind was one of the best games I played, so I see what you mean.

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Originally posted by Derc

Such a game would take years to create. Morrowind took like 4-6 years. We all want a game like that I'm sure, but I just don't see it happening. Kinda like with Fable. It could happen, but that's just wishful thinking.


Oh, and Morrowind was one of the best games I played, so I see what you mean.


Not if they have big staff, and have big support both economic and resources..

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Granted, it would take some time to create. However, as much as I dislike SWG, alot of the work has already been done for the groundwork of a Morrowind like SW singleplayer game and could be based on that.


The game wouldn't surround itself around being or becoming a Jedi but that would be an option of course. You could just be a trader or a mercenary or whatever you want really.


I don't think time would be such as big an issue with a project like this though, alot more resources could be brought to bear on it compared to the amount of people who worked on Morrowind. At least I would hope so.


The question is really if they WANT to do. Probably not. Why make a single player game like Morrowind, that only makes a decent profit when you can make SWG and have a nice little cash cow on your hands, that is constantly raking in the money?


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I like this idea, as long as the excellent voice acting remains (not like in Morrowing where you read and scroll throug pages upon pages of text). I think KOTOR has a winning formula, however, it would be cool if there are a lot more options in the game (instead of the two - light/dark), and a lot more options of how you beat the game.

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i tottaly agree, when i play Kotor im REALLY looking forward to going to tattoine and using my force dominate mind on all those people in the cantina,...as far as i see, Kotor2 was far too "linear", there was not much houses you could enter besides the ones you needed for quests and not the same funny touches like luring a dumb fish into buying your whole suply of gizka:p ..

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I love both KOTOR games. They both suffer from a touch of being linear but KOTORII suffers this more, IMO. I mean, how often can you crashland and be forced to stay down?


The Exile and his team have worse luck than Han Solo!


As for SWG, I'm a current subscriber. It has alot of faults and doesn't feel like Star Wars. There's supposed to be some big changes, but that's been in the pipeline for a long time. IF they can fix this game and IF they make it feel like Star Wars, then it could be the best. But not now.


If you truly want a large, open ended, faithful Star Wars game where you literally can wander off into a direction and get lost in it, we'll have to wait a while.


SWG has too many faults, IMO. You won't see another online Star Wars RPG for ages as long as SWG is still around.


Our best bet is a Morrowind-like Star Wars game, but as was already said by others, it takes serious development. It's not one big island as was shown in Morrowind. Star Wars has to worry about multiple worlds like Tatooine or Coruscant. Then it has to populate it with NPCs and things to do. Then there's space itself.


Properly doing a complete, open-ended Star Wars RPG is a monumental task. Take a glimpse on the development of SWG for how much work needs to get it up and running.

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