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Master Vrook .. HELP!


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Try to Stun him... or do a little digging in this forum to find a previous posters solution. It involved getting Vrook Hung up on some interior furnishings so you could throw Grenades or shoot him with a blaster while he stood there like a dweeb.

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Vrook has RIDICULOUS will save... so don't even try stunning him unless your WIS is like 24+.


1st thing... get your prestige class ye mook! Instant levelup to 16 plus useful abilities right off the bat. Unless you choose watchman... force camo won't help much for this fight :p


Are you a guardian, sentinel, or conselar?


Guardian = shield, stims, masterspeed, go hard with master flurry. He'll drop like a... not a big star wars geek here... he'll drop like some pussy alien thing.


Sentinel = Probably the most difficult... I'd suggest running from him while you pump yourself up with stims and shields, and force powers if you have them. Use mines and try to keep your distance. You can use your party members as 'posts', and try to get him hung up on them.


Conselar = Same running tactic, and go heavy on the Force Body + Life Drain. I beat him as a Sith Lord, first planet, no cheats/mods, didn't find him difficult. Make use of force push/wave to keep his lightsaber at a distance. Whirlwind isn't as good as it can be saved.


USE CONTENTION. Even if you're a conselar. That should be just slightly more obvious than upgrading to your prestige class, but you missed that so I'll say it :p


Tip: if you get a lightsaber from him that you don't want, just reload and do it again (unless the first time was pure hell, anyway), it's random. I kept doing it until I got a double lightsaber.



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The way I did it was to run towards one of those trees and hide behind there. He can't see you until you get in his line of sight again. Then I laid about 15 minor frag mines very close to eachother in a straight line, and then got him to chase me. As soon as hit the mines it was bye bye Vrook.

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