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XwA 2?


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Wouldnt it be great if LucasArts put out an X-Wing Alliance 2? Starting with the battle of Bakura and going on through the Thrawn and Dalaa storylines. With more family missions and the establishment of the New Republic. Also with E-Wings, K-Wings and the like. Heh somebody should start a petition or something.

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Guest Darth Massacator

'prolly not gonna happen frown.gif But I'm really, *really* crossing my fingers that they'll introduce the X-Wing fighter in Episode 3 so there could be some justification on continuing an X-Wing series game ...aside from the Rogue Squadron & Starfighter ...or whatever it's called.

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Guest Darth Massacator

Heh, a darn good question, but you might wanna sit down for the official answer. LucasArt$ claims they lost sooooooooo much money on producing Balance of Power because fans of XvsT were making their own mods and BOP didn't sell well because of that reason.


Which is a crock of *&^%, in my opinion and a lame excuse by LucasArt$. But don't lose hope, if the game has lost it's luster for you, you can always get some killer upgrades to make the game look even sweeter over at http://www.xwaupgrade.com. There's even a Battle of Yavin project in the works over at Ace Antilles site (no release date yet).

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Guest garyah99

Hey gang! Actually the problem with another X-Wing game, or a sequel is a political one. Lucasarts owns the copyright to the "Star Wars" line of products, but Totally Games owns the license to the X-Wing series, since they were the game developers. Since the two are no longer playing together, there likely won't be another in the "X-Wing" series. However, that doesn't stop Lucasarts from developing another series of space flight sims. They just can't further the XWA story line, or call it anything related to "X-Wing".

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Not quite accurate.


While Totally Games does own some of the code used in the X-wing series, the franchise IS LucasArts property.(or rather closer to LucasLicensing I suppose)


TG DID pitch an expansion to LEC, but they were kicked.


LEC doesn't want anymore X-wing games.

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Yes but with the recent poll asking LEC fans what was there favorite series with final results being X-Wing in 1st place by 39 % of the votes followed by monkey Island with 28 %, that could inspire the mto change there mind about the subject.at least I hope it does.

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Guest Darth Massacator

I didn't realize Monkey Island had such a following. I hope the poll is taken seriously by LucasArt$. I was addressing the "why not another BOP cd" not the X-Wing scenario in whole, but Nob is right. TG did pitch a game and LucasArt$ shot it down frown.gif

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