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stupid viraxo !!!


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in Tour 3 - Mission 2 - "Resupply Rebels Warheads"


Has anyone else noticed the easy way to destroy the majority viraxo fighters...


if your are far enough from the station the viraxo pilots are stupid enough to attempt to fly through the station to get to you...obviously they crash and die......




By the way, was i the only one to forsee uncle antan's betrayal.....i thought it was blatantly obvious....didn't trust him from the moment i saw the intro sequence....and once i got the e-mail from viraxo saying he knew i was in the rebellion it was obvious only one person would have given that away.

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The only problem i came across in the mission is fighting against 4 supa fighters at the end.......If only i was flying the Otana rather than the Sabra!!!!


I run like a coward once the 4 supa's are launched....so it means i cannot get the bonus!!!...oh well i guess the fully embelished kalidor crescent from the original xwing game is enough for me.....

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Simple thing to do, is divert all laser energy to the engines, and keep shield energy at maintance.


And never allow the Supa's to get a easy shot on you. It takes a while to kill them, but with the extra speed, just keep them on your dorsal side, and they eventually bite it

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