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I don't understand (Almighty Spoilers)


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Hey folks, have finished the game four times (LS/DS M+F) and explored every bit of dialogue I possibly could. I'm utterly confused by two things:



I have no idea what exactly I did at Malachor 5 (in the time before the game, during the war), the remote running around trying to reactivate ships to power up a Mass Shadow Generator made no sense to me whatever. i) How the hell did the remote get there and why? ii) What on earth is the Mass Shadow Generator? Was I simply inattentive through the game? Either way I'm most confused.




Kreia's cryptic clues about the third and greatest of the Sith Lords, the Betrayer who must remain hidden until the very end was all very well and good, it was rather obvious she had a more emphatic agenda than helping your character develop, but what is with all this "There must always be a Darth Traya, a Betrayer"? Was someone else Traya before? Was I? I appreciate this sounds disjointed and incoherent, but so is my understanding of the plot, I was ofter left wondering why exactly certain things happen and never really understood!



And just while I'm at it....

Before battling Traya I saw the Ebon-Hawk (presumably with all hands) plunge into a cavern and be destroyed, why then can I ask Treya about the future of a bunch of seemingly dead characters?



Thanks - any explanation would be greatly appreciated!

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Originally posted by johnmedgla


I have no idea what exactly I did at Malachor 5 (in the time before the game, during the war), the remote running around trying to reactivate ships to power up a Mass Shadow Generator made no sense to me whatever. i) How the hell did the remote get there and why? ii) What on earth is the Mass Shadow Generator? Was I simply inattentive through the game? Either way I'm most confused.


You and Bao-Dur were both at Malachor V. As the battle raged on, you gave the nod to Bao-Dur to activate the Mass Shadow Generator. It is basically a gravitational device(a gravity well). When it was activated, the surrounding planets(or something) and debris crushed together, destroying life everywhere. As many died Mandalorians, Republic soldiers, and Jedi were dying, you deafened yourself from the Force so you wouldn't hear the countless screams of death.



Originally posted by johnmedgla


"There must always be a Darth Traya, a Betrayer"? Was someone else Traya before? Was I?


Atris also used to be Darth Traya. I'm not really too understanding of this either, so hopefully, someone else can explain. :p




Originally posted by johnmedgla

And just while I'm at it....

Before battling Traya I saw the Ebon-Hawk (presumably with all hands) plunge into a cavern and be destroyed, why then can I ask Treya about the future of a bunch of seemingly dead characters?


LS ending spoilers.


On the LS ending, the Ebon Hawk emerges from the Core and saves you from the collapsing Academy. Then you blast off into space in search for Revan. This is not the case for DS, the Ebon Hawk was probably destroyed, or else it wasn't, and instead it would emerge later. Kreia did tell you to get another ship from the gravity well if you wanted to leave... Otherwise, how do you even know that your party members(besides Mira, G0-T0, and Remote) came with you to Malachor V?


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At what point do you actually confirm what happened at Malachor V? My dialog w/ Bao-Dur seems to be stuck at "you seem much calmer since Dxun" followed by "ask me later". Am I missing something? I know the story from what I've read here, but I'd love to see it in the game.

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Originally posted by Achilles

At what point do you actually confirm what happened at Malachor V? My dialog w/ Bao-Dur seems to be stuck at "you seem much calmer since Dxun" followed by "ask me later". Am I missing something? I know the story from what I've read here, but I'd love to see it in the game.



Actually, this dialog is one of those cutscenes that occur whenever you board the Ebon Hawk. Bao-Dur will approach you, and you have this conversation with him regarding Malachor V. I'm not sure if it's required to have high influence with him and/or he has to be a Jedi, though. It just happened when I was repeatedly exiting and boarding to see these cutscenes :).


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Atris also used to be Darth Traya. I'm not really too understanding of this either, so hopefully, someone else can explain. :p



No, this is the answer:



Kreia in her conversation says that she is no longer of the Sith when Atris asks her. But she starts talking of Atris betrayal and that there will always be a need for a Darth Traya (who is Sith). Hence, Atris is the new Darth Traya as she has betrayed the Jedi Order with her turn to the darkside. She is the new Darth Traya as Kreia gave/gives up her title to become something more.


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