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A bunch of Questions!! (Spoilers)


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I just completed TSL as a pure good Jedi Guardian, with all my companions pure good except HK 47 and GOTO.



When I fought Freia (not sure if im correct about the name, a little tired right now) she spoke of the source of the Sith and that I had to follow in Revans footsteps. But when I defeated her the Ebon Hawk apeared and snatched me out of danger and flew away... And then the game ended?


Does anyone beside me find this a bit strange? Do anyone understand this ending?! What acctually happend. Freia talket alot about what would happen to my friends, and everything she said pointed in the direction that I had to leave them, but I didn't.. Doesn't make much sense...


I meen, what happend after I got snatched away from danger?!




Im also curious about the different charcters in the game? How many different are they?


Also, how do you guys feel about the ability to be really evil? In Kotor 1 I felt that you could never truely be evil, since Malak allways was the bad guy. How is it in the sequell?




Is it possible to become "in love" with other characters than the Handmaiden? (if you are a man that is..)




In the end, on Malachors surface, Bao-Durs little droid meets up with Gotos. What's up with that? GOTO wants to stop the little droid from blowing the planet up. But what happens? All i know is that the planet blows up, but never do you contact the droid!?





Well that was a couple of questions. Just finished the game and got a bit confused...


I do think that the first game is a bit more Epic. A better story, even though its linear. And I am a sucker for love stories, and it's a damn better one in the first game..


By the way! Anyone know what happend to Revan?![

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Welcome to the Forums. :)


You will need to use Spoiler tags to cover up any text that reveals secrets of the game, which is most of what you just wrote.


As for answers, Just read through some of the other posts here concerning your questions, they have all been answered before and in some detail.

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Thanks for editing my thread. Sorry for the inconvinience...


Drazin: I posted here for a couple of reasons. One of them is that there is a whole bunch of posts, and If I where to look trough all of them, well that would take som time...


So I posted here because I thought that It would be the best way to get answers :)


/Bo Nurmi, from Sweden so please excuse my crapy english

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Thank you!


I was worried that I had rushed trough the game (played about 20hours, level 28 at the end) and missed alot of things. But it seems that more people than me found the end a little bit cryptic.


Do you got any tips if you want to play Darkside? Is there something I should/shouldn't do?


/Bo Nurmi

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Originally posted by Drazin

Main tip as a Darksider:

use restraint.

Dont go around randomly killing people, take the time to speak to them and hear what they have to say, then you can kill them. But dont start your dialogue with, "Time to die"


Whops :p


But you have to admit, somtimes its hilarious what people say


like Kreia "Do psycotic urges drive you"

and Hk "You are like a delightful random cruelty genetator"

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