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Dismemberment...without instant kills =.=


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Does anyone know if its possible to get full body dismemberment, without having your saber instantly kill everything you slice at....


In other words, I want my saber to do normal damage...but still slice you up in itty bitty pieces when you get killed :o


Is this possible in single player mode?


Thnx in advance


.::][ - Nihonjin - ][::.

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IIRC, if you set it above 3 you'll notice no difference.


So you could set it to 9999999 but it would be the same as 3.


Cg_dismember is for Multiplayer, what YOU see on your end. If a server has g_dismember set (1 meaning it's on), then you have to have cg_dismember to see it, and the number is the LEVEL of dismemberment you will see.


So it shouldn't do anything in MP. Use g_sabermorerealistic ('cheat protected', see the sticky on how to use it properly, covers super damage, full dismemberment, both, or neither) and g_dismemberment (iirc, turns dismemberment on or off, basic stuff only) instead.

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