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The Adventures of B-4D4 and T1-N1 [SPOILERS]


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after the adventurous lightside fun they had together, they left to Nar Shadaa, but what happened to this strange, Czerka Duo?


Well, for one story....


B-4D4 ran off with T1-N1, after landing on the Smugglers Moon, the duo ran off to Visit Tien Tubb's workshop for some credits. That is where B-4D4 got a new paintjob to rid himself of the hideous Czerka colors. the droids then got a small room at the Flophouse, where they could keep items safe and recharge. T1-N1 continued to work at Tien Tubb's workhouse with TT-32. But B-4D4 fell in love with S4-C8 in the Pazaak Den, it was true Protocol Love. After some hard work, T1-N1 thought he'd go to the cantina for some nice Droid Oil. he was very tired. But to his surprise, S4-C8 was there! She was making out with Lupo's Swoop Droid! T1-N1 was stunned! his Motivators were angered, so he took his inner instincts and shot S4-C8! Then, he was scared, Lupo's Swoop droid ran off, T1-N1 couldnt face B-4D4.... So then T1-N1 went home... not beeping at all..


B-4D4 was leaving work from working on the Pylons for Fassa. he ran into Lupo's Swoop Droid, the droid, scared to death, told B-4D4 everything. B-4D4 bought a huge blaster, went home and shot the legs out of T1-N1, chirping in a sad voice, nearly powerless, B-4D4 dragged T1-N1 to the edge of the Docking bay, and threw him off. where T1-N1 fell.... screaming his little beeping screams.


Now B-4D4 was mad. he sold himself to B-5D4 at Vogga's warehouse and escaped on a Vessel. Where he was intercepted by Goto's Yacht. Where he was introduced to the new program, The HK Production, he was then sent to the factory, where his Memory Core was inserted into an HK-50 model, and he was sent to Kill the Exile.


Where HK-50 met the Exile, and remembered her. but he said nothing. and he was shot down, sliced up, battered, slammed against the wall, and then torn to peices. His last sight was the sight of T3-M4. and in that last spark of energy, B-4D4 remembered, T1-N1




lol i love making up little stories for everyone. i hoped you enjoyed it lol

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The droids probably wanted to lay low what with Czerka coming after them n all for being pissed at them for killing everybody in their offices on Telos which probably was recorded by some holo-camera there and beamed to other Czerka facilities. Thats why they smuggled themselves onto a freighter bound for Nar Shaddaa so noone could find them. If the jedi can hide there then certainly two beat up misfit droids could. Maybe they modified themselves and went to work as assasin droids or went to work for Vogga in his warehouse.



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