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If you know about op-amps please click here


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I'm currently a bit stuck with my design project and was wondering if anyone here can help me, ok I'll get to the question now:


I need to design and make an op-amp circuit to corect the DC offset of a signal, The input to the circuit is between -2.5V and +2.5V (with respect to ground) and I need the output to be bettween 0 and +5V.


I know I should know how to do that but I can't remember, and so far books and the internet havn't helped.


Any links or circuit diagrams would be appreciated, thanx.

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Thanx Pad, (and happy birthday again) I need all the help i can get. Anyway I think I have it now:




If I use a summing amp and set V2 to 2.5V (using a potential devider) it should shift any signal at V1 up by 2.5V. Anyone think that will work? I can't simulate it untill i go in to uni tomorow and I don't really wan't to find out I'm compleatly wrong when I get in there.

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