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Year 4 - Game crashes!


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After 4 months of late nights, waking up at night shouting " I never asked Glottis!" I think I am near the end - I have slid down the leg of the sign and landed near the suitcase - a ticket comes out of the case, winds its way round Meche's leg and then appears in her had - Manny goes to say something and wham - the game closes and I am back at windows! I have downloaded the patches and tried again - still no luck. I am running on an 566mhz Pentium 4 running under windows ME with 128 meg..... Help me please ( and am I near the end - by the mosaic on the save game screen I guess so but.....)

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Unfortunately I seem to remember reading that once you have installed the Grim Fandango patch that your save game files created before the patch was installed will have to be deleted.


There is some hope though in that Lucas Arts used to have some save game files you could download that would get you past the bad areas in your own save games. I don't see them listed now but maybe if you write an email to support at the http://www.lucasarts.com web site they can help you.


Short of that delete your save files and start over. (Actually I wouldn't delete them. I would just back them up to a different folder).


The support site does list a rather extensive fact on getting the game to run properly and it might help to go through that stuff too.



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  • 1 month later...

Many thanks for that - because I have a degree in missing the bl******ng obvious I hadn't thought of doing that! Think I must have missed a bit of the explanation (why is Sal's head not sprouted??) but at least I have managed to get to the end!


Thnaks again

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