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logitech force freedback or microsoft pro 2 ?


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I need a new joystick , I can't decide weather to get the Microsoft sidewinder pro 2 (£35) or the Logitech thrustmaster force 3d (£45). the Microsoft seemed a better quality but , I do fancy the force feed back. I am worried that as the Logitech force 3d is the cheapest force feed back joystick on the market, and it wont be any ware near as good as top of the range force feed back joysticks. plus can someone tell me weather I can use the joysticks throttle control in XWA

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I have 2 Logitech sticks and I think they're the best. The one I use for XWA is the Extreme Force USB. Works great,... almost too great; I find myself turning the feedback strength down a lot. It's often too intense.

The throttle works really good too.

I'm not familiar with the model you're talking about, but all the Logitech stuff is fairly high quality.


If you have a big comp. hardware store nearby (I go to CompUSA or BestBuy, but there are others that are similar), or a gaming specialty store, go in and ask to be set up on a demo with examples of the two you're looking at using the game you will be playing or something like it. Thats really the best way to tell. Often they will, especially if it's slow.

Good luck.

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