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Old Tie Fighter and X Wing missions for XWA

Kanth Mantrin

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Hold on wait a sec.


I already own Tie Fighter (The special edition version) So I already have all those missions, etc. Problem is I can't convert them.


Now I know hardly any of us read through all of those EULA thigns, me included. But I don't remember seeing the part about not converting old Tie Fighter missions for XWA. But if I'm wrong, then darn. Cause with XWA Upgrade's Imperial Fighter patch done, those missions would be fun as heck.

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Maybe if enouph people e-mail LucasArts, and ask them to port the XWing and Tie Fighter missions over to the Xwing Alliance Engine, they might do it. Lucasarts and Lucas Film are very fan driven. If they see that there's a market for a version such as this then we might see a Xwing Series Very Special Edition. They do it with the movies all the time. Or we might see the mission included as bonus practice missions for the next installment of the Xwing series. But the key is to get enouph people to convence them there is a market for it. I think it can be done.

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I have the X Wing Trilogy. It has all the latest versions of all 3 games. But, while the graphics are emproved, there not as good as Rebel Alliances graphics. In addition, how the crafts handle in these games is very different than Xwing Alliance. Xwing Alliance has emproved the feel of the game from artifical intellegens to how many crafts that can be on the screen at one time. Seeing all these new features added to the classic missions would make them more challenging and fun. Not to mention the emproved graphics and multiplayer. And in the next version, they could allow people to play them in multiplayer. Porting it with Allied has it's limmitations. In addition to having to manualy port them, you'd have to buy Allied. And the ports would not be a perfect transition. Finally, how many of us are going to buy the next installment of the Xwing Alliance games? Probably all of us. And the next game will have improved graphics in comparison to Xwing Alliance. So, why spend 20 dollars on Allied. Do all the work of porting it. And, still only have the same graphics as Xwing Alliance. Like I said previously, if Lucas Arts sees that there is a market for it, they'll include it in the next installment. But, it's up to weather you guy's would wrather e-mail Lucasarts with this idea or do all the work of porting it yourself. The advantage to porting the game yourself would be that you could play the game now verses later, and you could customize the missions to your liking. And, there's no garrenty that LucasArts will act on the idea of porting the games themselves. Maybe, it wouldn't hirt to do both. After all, if you have time to port a mission, then you would have plenty of time to e-mail LucasArts.

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Guest Darth Massacator

You mean "improve," right? On a more serious, and dismal note, Luca$Arts has no future plans to continue the X-Wing series. There have been at least a couple of petition drives that I know of that didn't really do much as far as getting Luca$Arts attention.

In my opinion, scrapping the X-Wing series was a serious mistake, yet it reminds us all that corporate-thinking in a gaming world do not, and *never* will mix, ever.

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Recently, LucasArts had a pole to see if customers would like another installment of the Xwing series. The response was extremely high. LucasArts uses the polls to get customer feedback. A lot of the newer games came out of those polls. On the Star Wars web site they had fans vote on what the next alien figure should be. When the new series of figures came out the figure was one of them. It was even labeled fan favorite. If you study the history of George Lucas' companies you would see that Lucas has always cared about the fans opinion. Another example is Boba-fett. George Lucas said he never understood why Boba-fett was so popular. He was meant to just be a simple character, with no previous history. Now, because of his popularity, Boba-fett is in the next two Star Was movies. Lucas is not like other film producers. That's why Hollywood bashes him, and he has never gotten an academy award. I'm hoping to get into film within the next 5 years. I've been studying companies and film makers on how they conduct business. It's better to learn from others mistakes. That's what history is all about. Lucas' companies definitely run there businesses on a whole different level than other companies. I've always looked up to Lucas because of this. So, in the case of Lucasarts not caring what there customers think, that's a bunch of crap. They have a track record to prove it. Don't be afraid to give them your opinion. Like I said before, if you have time to port all those missions, then you have plenty of time to give Lucasarts feedback. There's no hirt in trying. It only takes about 10 minutes. If that.

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Originally posted by Mindz-i:

Maybe if enouph people e-mail LucasArts, and ask them to port the XWing and Tie Fighter missions over to the Xwing Alliance Engine, they might do it. Lucasarts and Lucas Film are very fan driven. If they see that there's a market for a version such as this then we might see a Xwing Series Very Special Edition. They do it with the movies all the time. Or we might see the mission included as bonus practice missions for the next installment of the Xwing series. But the key is to get enouph people to convence them there is a market for it. I think it can be done.


Falls down laughing.


You really don't pay attention to what LEC or LFL really do, do you?



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Nob. That's weak. Would you please give specifics and not a childish laugh. Your point of view wouldn't hold up in any discussion with a mear cocky attitude. I've given just a few examples. Where's yours? Another point I would like to make is the fact that what I suggested, was just that, a simple suggestion. If you think it won't work then don't do it.

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There policy is that if you send a suggestion, you forfeit any rights to the suggestion. This is to prevent any lawsuits against Lucas Arts or Lucasfilm. Which makes sense. Like I said, specifics speak for themselves. Another example is Star Wars Battle Grounds, it came about when many people had shown an interest in a Star Wars game of this nature. I had talked to a lot of people from the net that sent in Emails requesting this type of game, a year and a half ago. Keep in mind that gamers make the games. Most, if not all, the creators of the games have been playing games since they were kids. There just like the rest of us and know that some of the best ideas come from fellow gamers. A game companies survival relies heavily on customer interest. And the best place to get it is from polls and customer feedback. Have you ever wondered why the polls are there in the first place? Customer satisfaction is the key to a businesses survival. Especially in computer software. Heck, companies will treat there employees like trash before sacrificing customer satisfaction. The only software company that doesn't care about customer satisfaction is Microsoft. And that's because they have a monopoly on the market. Hopefully, that'll change with Linx creeping up behind them. But, like I said before, it's just a suggestion for those who aren't going to port the missions. An alternative to doing nothing. There's no hurt in trying. I find it so funny that there's people who will appose something so simple as emailing a company with an idea. Anyone who has posted something on this site has typed more words than what it would take to tell Lucasarts there idea.

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January 19, 2001 Do people at LucasArts visit fan sites? Do they read the forums?

Yes. We all appreciate the tremendous support from the fan community for the LucasArts games. These sites provide tremendous feedback for the game developers and others in the company. LucasArts representatives do not directly participate in chat forums for a variety of reasons — including confidentiality issues amongst others. We do, however, view these as helpful sources of information for gauging the players' feelings on a variety of topics.




This is straight from the web site. Looks like your wrong. Like I said, examples speak for themselves.


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-Vote X-Wing Series:ZeroXcape Saturday, July 28, 2001 - 1:58 AM EDT


Interested in another X-Wing related game? We sure as hell are. Show your support at LucasArts' latest poll by voting X-Wing Series as the best LEC series of all time...



This is from the front page of this website. Funny, Xwing Alliance.com seems to think that there's hope of a new Xwing game. Facts are facts, buddy. LOL

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Guest Darth Massacator

With all due respect Mindz-i, the evidence of Luca$Arts having little to no concern over their customers lies within X-Wing: Alliance itself. The game was shipped incomplete. Plans on an expansion cd, or even continuing the saga, or fixing the game for that matter were scrapped.


Just check the history posts here. It's all the evidence ya need. I do hope that the poll they posted a few months ago will wake them up and make them realize that X-Wing is a great series and deserves continuation. But I won't be holding my breath anytime soon. As I said before, corporate-thinking has no place in the gaming world. If ya don't believe me, take a look at Tribes 2.


[This message has been edited by Darth Massacator (edited October 25, 2001).]

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Originally posted by Mindz-i:

-Vote X-Wing Series:ZeroXcape Saturday, July 28, 2001 - 1:58 AM EDT


Interested in another X-Wing related game? We sure as hell are. Show your support at LucasArts' latest poll by voting X-Wing Series as the best LEC series of all time...



This is from the front page of this website. Funny, Xwing Alliance.com seems to think that there's hope of a new Xwing game. Facts are facts, buddy. LOL


Do you see a new X-Wing game? I don't. Do you know of one in planning? I don't. Public relations is one thing - don't make it out to be something it's not. When you have evidence in a product and not Lucasarts PR B.S., then you might have a point. As of now...no.

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Originally posted by Mindz-i:

Nob. That's weak. Would you please give specifics and not a childish laugh. Your point of view wouldn't hold up in any discussion with a mear cocky attitude. I've given just a few examples. Where's yours? Another point I would like to make is the fact that what I suggested, was just that, a simple suggestion. If you think it won't work then don't do it.


Don't you dare attempt to lecture me on your suggestion you young whipper snapper!


I've been editing these games since before you joined these bloody forums, and I concurrently RUN one of the last remaining XWA editing sites.


Do you actually have ANY IDEA of the amount of public relations work I TRIED to establish with LEC?


Do you even have the faintest of what we did to try to get even a semblence of a reply to emails and the like?




They don't give a rat's ass about fans.


If you'd like to spend 30 dollars in postage worth of letters, and several hours worth of writing emails to their so-called PR department, then maybe you have a right to make judgements on my experiences.


But you haven't, and frankly I wish you'd shut the **** up.


You have no idea what it's like dealing with these people, and it's a miracle we got to talk to Larry Holland and co. as it was.

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LucasArts web site has clearly stated that they do not participate in chats. It sounds like your pride got hurt, just because LucasArts didn't address your request. Grow up! What makes your forum better than the next? And if your so good at designing missions and mods, why don't you have a job making games? Because, your a smart mouthed kid, that's all talk. And if your not a kid, you sure had me fooled. Do yourself a favor and grow up, and maybe people will respect your point of view a little more. It's no wonder they wouldn't have a Q & A session with you. If someone was talking trash about my company, I would even give them the time of day, ether. At any rate, you have yet to produce evidence of your claims. And, this is getting old. I've got better things to do with my time. I'll leave this discussion with this. LucasArts does care what the fans have to say. It's just all in how you say it. And don't bother replying, I've found better websites to visit. Oh, and Nob....Grow up.

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Guest Darth Massacator

....ummmm, I take back all that "with all due respect" stuff. Look Mr. Clueless, why don't you show us an email, or some response from Luca$Arts that they do care?

Good gawd, you start posting here like you know the entire XWA history yet you don't have a clue, at all. I have witnessed at least 2 petition drives (very popular ones, I might add), not associated with "cyber-chat" that were quashed by Luca$Arts. We don't need to post facts, but you do. Our *facts* lie within XWA, no expansion, shipped prematurely, or a patch that will take care of the issues that 2.02 did not cover. There's our facts, where's yours? Oh yeah, you don't have any aside from what spews out of your mouth.

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Originally posted by Mindz-i:

LucasArts web site has clearly stated that they do not participate in chats. It sounds like your pride got hurt, just because LucasArts didn't address your request. Grow up! What makes your forum better than the next? And if your so good at designing missions and mods, why don't you have a job making games? Because, your a smart mouthed kid, that's all talk. And if your not a kid, you sure had me fooled. Do yourself a favor and grow up, and maybe people will respect your point of view a little more. It's no wonder they wouldn't have a Q & A session with you. If someone was talking trash about my company, I would even give them the time of day, ether. At any rate, you have yet to produce evidence of your claims. And, this is getting old. I've got better things to do with my time. I'll leave this discussion with this. LucasArts does care what the fans have to say. It's just all in how you say it. And don't bother replying, I've found better websites to visit. Oh, and Nob....Grow up.


Let me give you some advice - shut up, because you're making an ass of yourself. I would venture to say that there is no one, no one more qualified than Nob to comment on this issue. And everyone here knows it, too. So save a little dignity and just drop it.

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Um a Q&A session?


What we requested was access to the source so we can continue addressing game engine bugs.


And frankly my attitude is from years of lack of attention and acknowledgement. They haven't bothered to care about anyone other than console gamers. And they're easy to apease because there's no patching or game editing involved.


Grow up? If you knew half the effort we put into actually opening a dialogue with the folks at LEC then you'd know why we're unimpressed.


Frankly I find it abhorrable that a developer like TG had to work with such a close-mouthed uncaring company. I'm glad they work with Activision who has a much better customer support and fan listening policy now.


The X-wing editing community spent 3 years trying to get any dialogue with Totally Games. Using Bridge Commander as a reason to ask them questions we got a chat with them in a week. That's the difference a single publisher will make.


In addition we indeed DID get a chat with the DEVELOPERS of the game(in case your head is stuck someplace where the sun don't shine, XWA was published by LEC with all the code work being done by TotallyGames.)


And I'm not a game developer? Really?


I don't see what makes you so qualified to answer that.


In fact nice job of putting your foot in your mouth.


I'm currently the producer, and a scripter for a game based on the Torque engine(from Tribes2)


Is it all talk that I'm actually developing a game?

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1. If you want X-Wing and TIE Fighter converted so badly, then YOU get off your fat ass and get in yourself.


2. You may have not noticed, but LEC has joined THQ. All of your pittiful E-mails, petitions, etc. has been a complete waste of your time.


3. LEC will continue their PC/Console planes like it or not. They are creating EP2 games and the 50% adventure games that they are so well known for.


4. Yes, LEC listents to their fans. Not through the whinny e-mails that they get every day, but the forums (like this one) that represent ideas as a whole.


5. Nob, you obviouly haven't been in the company/costomer buisness for quite some time. There are other companies out there that have the same TOU (Terms of Use) as LEC. (IE: Interplay and Tidus)

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