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Guest Rogue15

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Guest Rogue15

What is everybodies favorite ships out of these types of ships:


Rebel Fighter:

Imperial Fighter:

Neutral Fighter (pirates, etc.):

Big ship (transport, firespray etc.):


Mine are:


Rebel Fighter: I like the y-wing, z95, x-wing, and i don't know what others.


Imperial: TIE Interceptor, Gunboat, TIE Bomber, TIE Fighter


Neutral: ummmmmmmmmmm I like the R41


Big ship: Firespray!!! I wish you could be ig-88's ship.





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Rebel Fighter: Toss Up: B-Wing it's like a super y-wing it can take a pounding and single handedly kill a star destroyer!!!/A-wing A little light on destruction and shielding but you can duck and weave and dodge and dive. And when your limping, TOD1 recon mission where u destroy pods w/probe droids. I was dead, red hull shields gone, I diverted all power to the engines and made a 200 Mglt dash to safety. Come on and catch if u can!!!


Imperial Fighter: Missile boat. Concept is a bit far fetched though, a ship which can Kill 3 or 4 star destroyers or 40 fighters+ but I guess it was treated like a stealth secret weapon and it was made clear in TIE fighter, that ship is worth more than the rest of the imperial navy. I guess Tie advanced is fun, the defender is ridiculous.


Neutral Fighter: Otana/Outrider


Big ship: Star Destroyer.

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Greetings, pilots...


Rebel fighter: X-Wing (I have a model at my desk here (not full scale model)


Imperial fighter: The exploded ones.


Neutral: YT-2000. I dream about flying the Otana together with the Falcon and the Outrider.


Big ship: The corvette. Great ANH feeling.



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Guest DarthHulkster

Hmmmmmmm doesn't this subject sound all too familiar. I have to say my fav. ship is the TIE Defender for the Imps and the X-Wing for the Alliance

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Nothing wrong with new people to the forum re-raising a relevant topic! Good call YT-200 on fav. imp. ships being exploded ones!!! And great joke, not a full scale x-wing!!!


Originally posted by DarthHulkster:

Hmmmmmmm doesn't this subject sound all too familiar. I have to say my fav. ship is the TIE Defender for the Imps and the X-Wing for the Alliance



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Rebel ships :

B-Wing - Anything designed to take on Capitol ships HAS to be hard, and therefore deserves, nah DEMANDS R E S P E C T !

A-Wing - Ship-to-Ship combat at its best - YEA baby

V-Wing - I know you cant fly it in XWA, but what a ship !


Imperial ships :

Defender - Come one - 4 blasters, 2 ions, missles, fast, manoverable, shields, hyperdrive - what is there NOT to like about this ship !

Interceptor - Well - A-Wing's greatest rival, there is NOTHING like 1 As vs 12 T/Is !

Skipray Blastboat - well, I can't explain why, but I do like this guys..... Not quite all bomber, theres a rebelious fighter inside dieng to show what its got !


Neutral ships :

Headhunter (XWA, NOT XWAUpgrade project one) - The X-Wing's ancester, thanks to this ship and it's revolutionary systems that where then improved and put into the X-Wing, we would have lost the Battle of Yavin, possibly not even made it that far !

Naboo N1 - High power blasters that give the big hurt to anyone in sites. Shields a bit weak, but with its acceleration and speed (REALLY does hit 200 !), this ships ROX !


Large ship - well, the Falcon or Outrider. What else could it possibly be ! Need i say more !



Nove Squadron, Elite B-Wing flight group stationed aboard the MC Oracle, home of the tech library.


'No capitol too large, no corvette too armed. NOVA squadron, for ALL your extermination needs. Our special at the moment - Eclipse Star Destroyers !'

Commander Jon 'DFMD' Adamson - leader of Nova Squadron (B-Wing ID = 'The White Witch')

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  • 1 year later...

Rebel Fighter: B-wing, mass respect for the sheer damage they can do. Not too bad in dogfight either if you learn how to 'feel' them. X-wing second choice for sheer dogfight, though a-wing comes a close second. An A-wing with 4 lasers, now that would replace X-wing in my books.


Imperial Fighter: Hmm.. Gunboat, Tie-Defender (takes getting used to, but love it nonetheless)


Neutral Fighter (pirates, etc.): Hmm.. Skipray, Black Sun fighters ships (can't think what they are?)


Big ship (transport, firespray etc.): firespray? big? *shrug* Otana and the Falcon are my two choices. Appreciate the extra boosts in the Falcon over the standard YT-1300, but the second turret on the YT-2000 is much more useful.

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rebel: like many i admire the awesome power of the b-wing it is a truly awesoem expample of engineering power


imperial: like one said, whats not to like about the tie-defender?


other: t-wing, its like the general market version of the a-wing


big ship: system patrol craft (its like the kind of ship i would want to have)

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Guest emupiett

Rebel: Good ol' X-Wing. Good at almost everything.


Imperial: Assault Gunboat. Nice warhead load, good shields, looks great.


Neutral: R-41. Cool looking and not too bad at fighting.


Big: Interdictor, Frigate



"Intensify forward firepower!!"

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