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EscapedTurkey's WishList


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Wish-List by Escapedturkey, as per request by RazorAce.


1. Call Vote Limit To 3 Times


It seems right now a person can keep call vote spam an unlimited amount of times. Please limit it so a person can only call a vote 3 times.


2. Warm-Up Vote


We need a cvar for g_allowWarmUpVote 0/1


3. Auto-Kick / Auto Ban - Warning Not Working *Bug Report*








It doesn't warn the player in center text before the kick/or bans.




(I haven't tested it with the Team Kill Kick or Team Kill Ban, but it's probably the same bug).


4. Auto-Ban IP Auto-Write Problem


It appears auto-ban for IP adds itself in 3 places:


1. jampserver.cfg

2. The server's memory.

3. banip.txt


It should not write in the first 2, because those are difficuilt to edit and also, require a server restart. It should only write in the 3rd and the server should use that vs. the other configs and memory.


5. Auto-Mute For Certain Language


This would be good if someone is running around bad mouthing others; i.e. using racist names, etc.


No warning or anything, if the person is warned they will just try to override it. What this will do is simply mute any text that contains language that violates language.txt so no one will have to see it.


6. TeamKills by Trip Mine shouldn't be counted


If a person lays down a trip mine, and another person walks over it, he/she can force the other person to TK and be kicked or banned via g_autoBanTKSpammers or g_autoKickTKSpammers


It would be best if trip mines were ignored as TK's.


7. Port Private Duel Stuff From Enhanced To Basic


Please port these from Enhanced to Basic, since that's the one that's always up to date:


-More than 1 duel can go on at a given time.

-Players can see their duel stats in private duels.

-Sabers auto-turn off when a private duel is engaged.

-Players start with 100 HP in private duels.

-Players can start with a designated shield specified by the server.

-Health/Shields returned to previous value before private duel began.

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Anti-chat spam is good. Both xmod2 and Red Slushie have that already.


xmod2 also has anti-suicide options. Self-kill is widely-used legitimate technique in CTF so it shouldn't be limited at all in CTF. But limiting self-kill in FFA and TFFA is good.


Vote-to-kick is commonly abused. Friends or clan members use it to get rid of players who are beating them on a server that they don't have admin powers on. And now you want to make it so the winning player is also temp banned? Bad idea. I don't enable voting on any of my servers, it just encourages mob rule. Anti-chat-spam and an /ignore playername would take care of a lot of problems.

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Teamkick needs to be added to the menu. Team Kicking should always be enabled for team members who are screwing their own team over. It should be applied to the majority of the human players on a team to pass.


As to the suicide spamming, OJP already has that option IIRC, it's g_autoKickKillSpammers. It only applies to people who use the \kill command.

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Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

Vote-to-kick is commonly abused. Friends or clan members use it to get rid of players who are beating them on a server that they don't have admin powers on. And now you want to make it so the winning player is also temp banned? Bad idea. I don't enable voting on any of my servers, it just encourages mob rule. Anti-chat-spam and an /ignore playername would take care of a lot of problems.


I'll take your word for it on the kick stuff. I removed it from my list. My biggest beef on any server is chat spam, hurts my eyes. :cool:

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