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Had ever Handmaiden hate you? SPOILER

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I am kind to Handmaiden, when she joined, I tell her I will take whatever help I can get then her that forget about atton, but Handmaiden tell me there no matter but she told me thank for my kindness. Such Visas joined, she don't like that but she don't hate me ever. After I left medbay, she told me "She is a threat to us." I told her I won't harm her, if that's what you're asking, other two option lead to loss INF from Handmaiden. I had to use only one so I did not want lost INF with her, whatever I am light side or dark side. I been had Handmaiden in my party for some time, I did not use Visas for while, never. Still she like me, she can spar with me on Ebon Hawk. If I am on dark side path, when I talked to her, I told her did my feature scared her, she told how Atris know about dark side. Then told her why she can't stike me down, she told me there may be redeemion for all of them. She can't hate me cuz I am kind to her. She can still talk ever If I am on dark side or not used Visas in my party. Any happening?

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She can be DS, she just doesn't like you to kill randomly. That's what Atton likes ;).


As for Visas, that's a tricky situation. But then again, I never got Handmaiden to never talk to me. Of course, I never learned Force Sight from Visas either :(.

But I'm still able to get intimate with Visas(Then let us look upon eathother):naughty:.


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Originally posted by Derc

She can be DS, she just doesn't like you to kill randomly. That's what Atton likes ;).



This was so stupid. If you can seduce her into being a Dark Jedi Guardian you should be able to seduce her into being a Dark Jedi Guardian, i.e. change her views and turn her into a trigger-happy girl who gets off on thinking about HK-47. Oh well


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Yeah, you only agree with her, and spar with her for influence. Just don't kill randomly or she'll throw a fit.


Handmaiden: "His stance was unthreatening, I don't understand why blah, blah, blah."

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Yep! Handmaiden seems to hate me or something...



Or at least everytime I try to talk to her she just says: There is

nothing for us to discuss, Leave me alone.


(Also when I talk to Atton there is topic: The Handmaiden lost

her temper with me...)


And how did I get to this situation ?? ... It happend after Visas

joined and apparently Handmaiden didn't like me talking to her

because she was a sith or something...


And there were some cutscenes where Handmaiden and Kreia

were talking about the situation... And then when I went to talk

to Handmaiden she was little angry and she sayed she believed

in my cause and she would do anything for me and... and then

I told her that I want to save Visas and after that Handmaiden

blocked me off...



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If you get the cutscene with Kreia talking to Handmaiden about Visas, there's no going back - Handmaiden hates you. I believe this happens at a certain point if your influence is much higher with Visas than with Handmaiden. Not sure what the cue is.

I had this happen a few days ago (I didn't bother talking to or sparring with Handmaiden when she joined - I figured I'd wait until lvl.18 when she can be trained), and the only thing I could think of was to edit the globals using KSE. It worked after much trial and error - Handmaiden would talk to me again. Not sure which value is linked to Handmaiden's behavior, though IIRC its one of the numerics. Make sure you backup your saves first if you try editing the globals.

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Originally posted by jimbo32

I had this happen a few days ago (I didn't bother talking to or sparring with Handmaiden when she joined - I figured I'd wait until lvl.18 when she can be trained), and the only thing I could think of was to edit the globals using KSE.


I have the same problem right now. Once I read your comment, I downloaded KSE and started going through the global numerics like you suggested, hoping I could 'reset' her behaviour. The one that seems most relevant is labeled "000_Hand_Angry" but fiddling with that seemed to have no effect. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong.


Do you remember how you fixed it?

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Do you remember how you fixed it?



I was in sort of a panic at the time and was changing anything and everything that seemed like it may have been relevant, so I'm not sure which one it was. Try messing with the ones relating to Kreia's cut-scenes.


BTW, despite changing a bunch of stuff in the globals, my game seems unaffected. (though I did back up my saves jic)

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Mmm... in my case everything seems ok but

she become a Jedi, i talked with her about her mother, she got the jedi clothes and so on but now i did all Duxun and Korriban without a single new from her. She is kind but no cutscenes or no new dialogue options with her. I talked to Visas and had Force Sight from her, but this was before i talked with the HM about being a jedi or aabout her mother. Is such "coldness" correct from her?


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