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Is it useful? I have it with my Sentinal, and I plan to go Jedi Watchman (that is the natural switch, I think), and continue with stealth. I have Beancounter's hardcore mod installed, so for tough encounters I suppose my demolition skill + stealth is useful for other encounters...but is it for anything else? Is the sneak attack you get really that good?


BTW, I am going to test something. I THINK that you can stealth right at the beginning of a fight, even when it's one with dialogue to acknowledge yer presence.

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Sneak Attack is handy for dealing out lots of extra damage but stealth is a waste of time. Fortunately you don't have to be stealthed to use Sneak Attack; it'll also work if your opponent is stunned so use powers like Stasis, Insanity or Wave on them and then hack away!

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Why go through the time and trouble to do all that when its faster, easier and more efficient to just walk up and Force-Wave / Force Lightning them all and move on?


I am a HUGE fan of stealth. Just not in this game. In every MMORPG I have played or play now, I have atleast 1 Rogue character that I can sneak around with and Backstab people who arent paying attention. But Stealth in K1 and K2 just dont have the usefullness they should have. I was atleast glad they had parts of the game require stealth to find out information and whatnot, but as far as a sound battle strategy... its just lacking.


Could be better, could have been much worse. I personally skip it and just use another party member for any stealth needs I have.

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I read it.

Still, Attacking from stealth isnt worth the effort.

Placing mines would help take down some vitality right away. But tossing Stasis on a room full of enemies gives you 12 seconds of Force Storm to play with.


I just can't see the benefit of stealth in combat.

I don't know if your hardcore mod makes landing force powers more difficult or not. If all their abilities are increased, would that mean they have a better chance to Save vs the Mines too? Or is that even possible at all?



Sneak attack is good, but better when everything you attack is stunned.

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I played up to the Ravager as a Watchman with Beancounter's Hardcore mod. Unless you specifically boost wisdom, statis is highly inneffective. For a Sentinel/Watchman, boosting WIS at the expense of STR or DEX (depending on your playstyle) really can weaken the class. Epsecially for a female character since you don't get the benefit of Handmaiden's teaching.





I couldn't go further because for some reason his mod causes some AI glitches with scripted events. I was unable to plant 2 of the Proton cores. I even redid the Telos attack level twice just to make sure it wasn't just a specific glitch. I think what happened is, the cut-scene with the Mandalorian fighting the Sith, the Mandalorian actually died because of the boosted levels. I noticed a lot of bugs regarding characters with scripted sequences throughout the game using his mod.





Planting mines isn't nearly as useful as it was in KOTOR. With a Scoundrel class char, the beginning game was quite difficult, and mines could help in several situations if you decided to take the time to handle it that way.


KOTOR 2 is a lot different. I really can't think of any situations where you would need to use them, and the few where they might be handy, you're already under attack and can't use them anyway.


Even as a Consular, the beginning game isn't overly hard with a vibroblade. Far far easier then a Scoundrel in KOTOR.


There were some other situations where I was in fact sneaking around and a cut-scene would occur, thus breaking my stealth.


I found using grenades was a better alternative to mines. Grenades are also much cheaper to make over mines, and anyone can use them.




The Kinrath cave where the Matron and the crystal are is a good example.





If you decided to actually play the game solo, mines could be a much bigger asset. But as it stands, you really have to go out of your way to make them effective.




With how the Trayus Academy is set up, you could probably put some Devestating Plasma mines to good use on the Dark Jedi behind the doors if you took the time to do so.





In the case of Beancounter's mod, I'd opt to use the mines that still have the highest damage potential even if saved against, and place them in areas you can draw your opponent(s) to. If you add in a statis mine along with some others, you might have some time to chuck a few plasma grandes or even get the benefit of a poison grenade to help take them down.


The real issue you would have to deal with is your teammate's AI. It can be a pain to get them to stay put, even if you set them on stationary and you're in solo mode.

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