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Duxun pt 2 tomb(spoilers)


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Ok so I reached the Tomb in Duxun when I came back the second time.Inside the tomb are 3 dark Jedi who were doing a ritual. A fight is inevitable so I have to kill them but they are just too strong.I got Mandalor,Mira and the blind younger chick .Untill that point I was able to kill any dark jedi on the way but these guys are insanely hard....I threw grenades at them,force,melee I tried everything xept running away.Even worse they go for the blind chick first who has all the healing and dark powers...tehy just slice her once and she is done.How do i kill them???

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you should prob have put this in padawan lab


use insanity / plague / force wave ... just try to get the minimal amount of enemies attacking the one character (which was about as smart as the ai gets in the game) and conc all ur char on the one sith lord.. they really dont use powers



but u can always do the cheapo tactic.. run with ranged.. have ur ranged character shoot then run (very easy with knight speed) u can always stay far away enuf so that they neva get a hit on with der sabers (run around the pit)

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turn on energy shields and use every stim you have prior to battle.


Place mines with Mira and lead them into a minefield.


I beaten the temple twice with different parites - one of which was all non-jedi (Mira, Atton, Mandalore) Fast-fire upgreaded weapons + master rapid shot + high dexterity implants and stims = too much blaster bolts for those bastards to deflect:D

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Ahhh yes u are a smart one...I completely forgot about Miras land mines.Thanks to her I have 50 or so in stock.Ye I did try running from them once with mandelor....its slow but sure death tho I wasnt sure it would work if 3 jedi's are at my neck.I did realise that the game has some glitches(every1 knows that) when I ran away at the begining.....when I came back some sith soldiers spawned back which is kinda dumb cuz i did clean out the whole place...but ok ordinary sith soldiers are too easy anyway.

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Another good method is to have Mandalore and Visas take out 1 of the dark jedi while planting mines with Mira. Then, when Mandalore and Visas die, start running and occationally pause to shoot/launch something/use meds at the Sith. It takes a while but, if Mira's dex is high enough (and it should be by that point) you can kill two Sith no prob. I did that the first time I played through, though I used Mandalore and Hanmaiden and they were able to take out 1 sith and mostly kill another.


I know alot of people say the game is too easy but its not if you don't power game and cheat. :D

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