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Influence Made Easy?


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I've having some trouble gaining influence with some of my party members. I'm dying to know what they know, so what are the easiest and quickest ways to gain influence? Right now I'm at Dantoine on the Ebon Hawk (after this I'm going to kill the Jedi), how can I gain mucho influence quickly?

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For starters, you ought to boost your Persuade and Charisma skills. So, if you're playing as a Guardian, its gonna be tougher for you to gain influence with your allies, simply because the Guardian naturally has a lower Charisma rating than the Consular.

Also, you need to take a look at your allies alignment. With Characters like Atton, most of the time he'll follow your lead, and you can convince him to agree with you. With the Handmaiden, Bao Durr, Mira and T3, they are all light-aligned, meaning that you gain influence with them by having them in your party while doing kind acts. It's the opposite with Visas, Mandalore, Hanharr and HK. Put them in your party and start being a jerk to people, and you'll gain influence with them.

When in conversation, always tell your NPC's what you think they'd like to hear. Kreia will always want to hear that you're manipulative and willing to sacrifice people, but not overly brutal. With the Light-aligned NPC's, they'll always want to be encourages and told their doing a good job. If they offer to help you with their repair or computer skills, let them, and then thank them.

With your dark PC's, they'll want to hear that you have a vicious streak. When speaking with them, if you get dialogue options that seem to be cruel or manipulative, go for those. Just make sure that when it comes time to congratulate or thank the Dark PC's for their help, you do this. Even bad guys want to know that they're wanted.

Additionally, there will be a few times when gaining influence will be location or time specific, i.e., there are certain places where you'll meet people or unlock mni-quests that will give you information that might help you gain more experience with your allies.

Hope this helps!

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Oh no, you've explained everything. I thought there might be some sort of bug or exploit to gain influence fast. My charisma and persuade skills are top-of-the-top notch, so I guess I'll just add Disciple and HK-47 to my party and do what you said.

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It's difficult to gain a high influence with all your party members, there's so many of them and there don't seem to be enough situations to do it.


And when I play, I don't select options that grants me lightside points when I'm darkside, and the other way around. It's annoying to loose your mastery bonus all the time, and I don't wanna play as someone that does things only to please others.

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