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Mandalorian Armor [WIP]

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What I want to do is take the Mandalorian NPC model and turn it into an ingame armor by removing the helmet and patching the top of it so it properly necks around the characters head. As it stands thoe the mandalorian armor has a skeleton and animations associated with it and being this is my first time to go for making something like this I'm really at a loss for what to do. Would I simply remove the animations. skeleton and what not? I guess what I'm really asking is, what's the difference between the npc's body and the players armor? Does a players armor have a skeletal attachment or does it move based off the player model?

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Originally posted by Guyver619

I agree, I was actually wanting the Mandalorian armor without a helmet a while back.


I hope somebody can help with this because I'd definately look forward to helmetless Mandalorian armor.


Just a little FYI..

You can change the "appearance" of your character or other party members with KSE and you have two versions to choose from with and without helmet.


I agree though. Being able to simply "put on" the armor like clothes would be killer :)

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Originally posted by Darth Melignous

Just a little FYI..

You can change the "appearance" of your character or other party members with KSE and you have two versions to choose from with and without helmet.


I agree though. Being able to simply "put on" the armor like clothes would be killer :)

I was unaware there is a helmetless mandalorian armor, do you happen to know what tga or mdl it is?

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Originally posted by Arlen Treesong

I was unaware there is a helmetless mandalorian armor, do you happen to know what tga or mdl it is?




I can't find the armor. I just saw it 1/2 hour ago as I flipped through all of em'




P_CandH03.tpc is his head file had to put it here on hindsight cause of the Cand part


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