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What the hell happened to the bond? (Spoilers)


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Hey, I haven't posted here for a while, I've been at Bioware's Jade Empire forum and played KOTOR2 a lot.


So anyway, I have a question about something I didn't quite understand in the story:



What the hell happened to the bond you had with Kreia? I don't remember any explanation to why you didn't die yourself when you killed her at the end. Did she lie about the bond all along? Did she break it herself after leaving? Can anyone explain this to me if they know the answer?


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I'm not sure it was a lie, because I've always thought that the Force Chain ability was proof of the bond, plus the fact the Exile feels Kreia's hand get chopped off. So there is definately a bond. As to its fate, I think one of the sound files presents a dialogue with Lonna Vash (dead Jedi on Korriban) which was cut from the game. In it she says such bonds break when one falls to the Dark Side. So when Kreia resumes her role as Traya, the bond is broken. That's my take on it anyway.

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No, it was not broken when she fell. That's why she was going to kill herself.


She explained that when in battle they were focused so they were not mutually effected by harm done to one or the other.




Seems like some of you are missing out on a lot of the dialogue. :confused:

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Seems like some of you are missing out on a lot of the dialogue. :confused:

No, just plum forgot. :rolleyes: I remember now, though Vash does mention something about breaking bonds in the sound files. Maybe they cut this bit out cos they didn't want to use it, as opposed to time restraints?

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