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Where am I able to check my influence status ingame?


This may be a very stupid question as I'm more than halfway through the game (lvl 21) and I still haven't figured out how to check my influence stats with the individual party members... :fist:


or is it simply not possible?.. thx.

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Derc's anser is the only way AFAIK. See how close the NPC is to your light/dark level and then you can ballpark where your influence is. Of course, this won't work for Keria and becomes tough if you're, say, dark side and want to see where you stand with Hanharr. The alternative are mods. I like the Mind Probe mod over at pcgamemods.com.

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thx, so the awnser is it isn't directly possible.


I think that's kind of a flaw as you can never recall the status of your party relations. You have to remember how many times "influence gained" or "influence lost" has occurred...

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