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Darth Maul a Youzan Vong


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another thing:

Yuuzhan Vong hate any tecnologies, and darth maul uses: a veicle, a ship and light sabers. Yuuzhan Vong are imune to the force powers and on the movies he uses it. of coures someone could say: he is imune, but he could uses... BUT a Yuuzhan Vong cant be detected by force sence and QuiGon detect him just before rach them in desert.. so defenetly:

Drth Maul isnt one Yuuzhan Vong. but i wait for a good fight with them in next JK series..

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The Vong use "bio" technology. They use technology, just not "metal."


I mean c'mon, using a Horse to pull a plow is technology. You can't say that's not technology while a tractor doing the same thing is. Even the term "machine" need not refer to something made of metal (though metal is an improvement, being stronger and more durable which is why it's generally used).


All of their crappy gadgets do virtually the same things as the standard ones in the Star Wars galaxy, just either made out of an animal, plant, or rocks.


Hmm... I guess the NJO authors were tripped out watching "The Flintstones" and stole the idea!


Btw, somebody know a good program to reduce the size of animated gifs? The above poster could use one...

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There IS a mod for JA where you get to kill Vongs...

i've seen some good models, i didnt realize that were ready for single player (with force blocks and all), i've playe mods for SWGBG that do that too. but i want a oficial release, since i bet that many things in the vong as their own tecnologies, living ships, etc. this would be very cool. thanks for the tip anyway ill star look now.

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I've heard about plenty of mods like that, but I thought they were just generic enemies. Then again I haven't kept track lately...


Well anyway, yeah, this is a very swamp-like thread. We've drifted off the topic. Maul isn't a Vong, I think that's been established. ;)

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