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The whole story

Mr Cheese

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Hi all you monkey island fans!

I have decided to make the monkey island series into animations but being young in years, I have never played the first two. I have a basic knowledge of the story of the first two, but not enough to turn them into animations. Can anyone out there tell me the dialouge? I know it's a long story but probably one that is fun to tell.


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Well I suggest you play the first 2. But here I go... **SPOILER WARNING**




A kid washes up on a beach with nothing but a goofy name the swashbuckling urge to become a pirate. He talks to the pirate leaders in the Scumm Bar™ and they tell him about THE THREE TRIALS. Defeating the swordmaster, stealing the governor Elaine's fabulous idol and digging up some treasure. He gets a guy to train him and he learns some swordfighting insults from passing pirates. He defeats the swordmaster. He digs up the treasure and steals Elaine's idol. He falls in love with Elaine, and LeChuck kidnaps her. He gathers a crew and sets off to save her. He gets to Monkey Island and...dammit, play the game yourself. It's not that expensive.

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