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altered/custom skin color/shade on a new NPC...


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hello all :D


using Darth333's tutorial (which is excellent and much appreciated btw), i am working on my first new party member. after reading the tutorial last night, i went through the steps, and, pretty much without a snag, i got my new NPC working. now its just time for me to customize some details, much of which are easily figured out.


one detail i have a question on is skin color. my NPC is an not a human, though still a bipedal liquidious fleshbag, and i want to change his skin's color/tone. i have gone through the numerous tutorials here, but unless i am overlooking it, i can't find out how to do this. can n e 1 help me with this?

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You are looking to change his body tone to match his face? or both head and body tone changed?


Either way you would need to locate the head and body Texture.

If its a Caucasion Male I believe the body is PMBAMC01 or something very close to that. You need to extract that to a .tga and recolor it with a program like Photoshop and then put it in your override. Same thing for the Head. You would need to find the right head (The Jesus Guy is PMHC04a) and recolor him to your liking as well.


If its say, a Twilek... You would have to go to the "N" section and find the body and head textures for him. OR, you could change the Appearance.2da to direct his body texture and model to something else, like the human male caucasion. But you would still have to recolor his head. You'd be looking for something like N_TwilekM01.


hope this helps

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