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[Possible Spoiler] Question about a certain cutscene and my Description

Colma Adawin

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Greetings all!


I was just wondering i have created my own personal sabre (over-kill of course) and a really cool Description for it, i've got the Dual Weapon mod, i can get my character to use two double-bladed sabres. i then talk to Atton Rand about my past, about what sabre i had in the past, then once i've progressed a bit more and get the cutscene of the Jedi Council banashing me, i only have one Double-Bladed sabre.


What im asking is:


Can I changed it so when my double-bladed sabre is taken off me and i stab it into the pillar, is it possible for me to have TWO DOUBLE BLADED LIGHTSABRES? when this cutscene starts?


Also heres my Description, please tell me what you think as well gimme Positive and Negitive Responses:


(i want the most perfect Description, coz i think thats the best bit to Custom Item building, i love that part)


This Double-Bladed Sabre was created by Jedi Master Ma'Taka and 'General Colma Adawin', Jedi Master Ma'Taka trained and taught Colma Adawin the ways of the force, Colma Adawin had a strong connection to the force, and found learning the ways easy, and felt that he could teach other Force Sensitives, teach them the ways of the Jedi, and to respect the force and follow the Lightside. Colma Adawin decided to fight in the Mandolorians. His Master, Ma'Taka forbid him to fight in the war, He felt it would consume and turn him but Colma promised he would return as he left, a Jedi.


In the wars Colma Adawin not only managed to hold the Mandolorians at bay, but managed to secure victory for the Republic.


Many Padawans feared that Colma Adawin had fallen to the Darkside, due to the ferocity of his attacks others simply believed that he was a Good Strong minded Jedi with a strong connection to the Lightside of the Force.


When Colma Adawin was on the Battlefield, his sabres would be seen, and this Inspired his followers, made them stronger, made him stronger. Colma's connection to the force allowed him to better himself so much, that he could wield two Double-Bladed sabres. Not even the Great Jedi Weapons Master Maverick , could do such a thing. The Sith wanted to turn him to the Darkside, the Jedi wished for him to be at peace, so he didn't turn to the Darkside, for if he did, the Jedi Council knew, there would be nothing that anyone could do to stop Colma Adawin.




PS took me 5 mins to think, write and alter :xp:

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Originally posted by Doom_Dealer

Give me about 15 mins and check a Thread i create... it MIGHT help a little.


EDIT: just seen the thread, sorry bud :phttp://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=146882


okay, so, still how do i make my character carry two sabres in that cutscene? is it even possible? if it is please tell.


what do you ppl think of my description for my sabre?



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It is possible. It's not easy though.


However, you need to keep in mind that the cinematic is a recording, so everything that happens there is scripted from A to Z. So, equipping two sabers prior to triggering the cutscene won't change anything.


I don't think you can achieve that with Dual Weapon Mod, you'd need to do something I did with SH Crystal Pack mod (which is similar to Dual Weapon Mod) - you need to create a unique double-sabers that behave as single ones. Then you would need to decompile and re-write (probably) several scripts.




Description is fine, IMO. Perhaps sligthly too long.

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Originally posted by MattColejk


What im asking is:


Can I changed it so when my double-bladed sabre is taken off me and i stab it into the pillar, is it possible for me to have TWO DOUBLE BLADED LIGHTSABRES? when this cutscene starts?



It should be possible...


In order to do this, you'll need to edit the dialog with Atton on the Ebon Hawk where you tell him how your lightsaber looks (003atton.dlg in 003EBO_dlg.erf).


Add a new dialog entry for your unique saber along with the other reply options you can use to describe the saber to Atton. On that new dialog reply, when picked, set the global number "003EBO_PC_Lightsaber" to a value higher than 9. I'll use 10 in this example for simplicity. Also at this dialog reply, set the "003EBO_PC_Hilt" global to a unique value. This global is normally used to indicate if its a short(1), normal(0) or double(2) saber. I'll set it to 3 in this example.


Now you'll need to modify two scripts that are used by the Council chamber cutscene. They are "a_createpcsaber" and "a_stabsaber", both in 950COR_s.rim. (Well, there's a "a_createpcsaber" in 262TEL_s.rim too, so I'll merge them in the example to make both work if this is put in the Override folder.)


In a_createpcsaber you'll need to add a new condition that will spawn your unique lightsaber if the "003EBO_PC_Lightsaber" global is set to 10. You'll also need to make this script create two of them and dual-wield them if your custom sabers were picked. Something like this:


// ST: a_createpcsaber.nss (a_createpcsaber.ncs in 950COR_s.rim)

// ST: ADDED! ---------------------------------------
// ST: Put the Resref (filename) of your unique saber here:
// --------------------------------------------------

void EquipAndDressPlayer(string sResref);

void main() {
int nHilt = 0;
int nSaber = 0;
string sResref;

nHilt = GetGlobalNumber("003EBO_PC_Hilt");
nSaber = GetGlobalNumber("003EBO_PC_Lightsaber");

switch (nSaber) {
	case 0:
		switch (nHilt) {
			case 0: sResref = "g_w_lghtsbr10"; break;
			case 1: sResref = "g_w_shortsbr10"; break;
			case 2:	sResref = "g_w_dblsbr010"; break;
	case 1:
		switch (nHilt) {
			case 0: sResref = "g_w_lghtsbr02"; break;
			case 1: sResref = "g_w_shortsbr02"; break;
			case 2:	sResref = "g_w_dblsbr002"; break;
	case 2:
		switch (nHilt) {
			case 0: sResref = "g_w_lghtsbr03"; break;
			case 1: sResref = "g_w_shortsbr03"; break;
			case 2:	sResref = "g_w_dblsbr003"; break;
	case 3:
		switch (nHilt) {
			case 0: sResref = "g_w_lghtsbr01"; break;
			case 1: sResref = "g_w_shortsbr01"; break;
			case 2:	sResref = "g_w_dblsbr001"; break;
	case 4:
		switch (nHilt) {
			case 0: sResref = "g_w_lghtsbr04"; break;
			case 1: sResref = "g_w_shortsbr04"; break;
			case 2:	sResref = "g_w_dblsbr004"; break;
	case 5:
		switch (nHilt) {
			case 0: sResref = "g_w_lghtsbr05"; break;
			case 1: sResref = "g_w_shortsbr05"; break;
			case 2:	sResref = "g_w_dblsbr005"; break;
	case 6:
		switch (nHilt) {
			case 0: sResref = "g_w_lghtsbr08"; break;
			case 1: sResref = "g_w_shortsbr08"; break;
			case 2:	sResref = "g_w_dblsbr008"; break;
	case 7:
		switch (nHilt) {
			case 0: sResref = "g_w_lghtsbr09"; break;
			case 1: sResref = "g_w_shortsbr09"; break;
			case 2:	sResref = "g_w_dblsbr009"; break;
	case 8:
		switch (nHilt) {
			case 0: sResref = "g_w_lghtsbr07"; break;
			case 1: sResref = "g_w_shortsbr07"; break;
			case 2:	sResref = "g_w_dblsbr007"; break;
	case 9:
		switch (nHilt) {
			case 0: sResref = "g_w_lghtsbr11"; break;
			case 1: sResref = "g_w_shortsbr11"; break;
			case 2:	sResref = "g_w_dblsbr011"; break;
	// ST: ADDED! ---------------------------------------
	case 10:

	// --------------------------------------------------

// ST: ADDED! ---------------------------------------
// ST: Added to incorporate the script with the same name that Atris
//     uses in 262TEL (Telos Academy).
if (GetModuleName() == "262TEL") {
	object oSaber = CreateItemOnObject(sResref, OBJECT_SELF);
	ActionPlayAnimation(115, 1.0, 0.0);		
// --------------------------------------------------
else {
	object oArmor 	  	= GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_BODY, 		GetFirstPC());
	object oLefthand  	= GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_LEFTWEAPON, 	GetFirstPC());
	object oRighthand 	= GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTWEAPON, GetFirstPC());
	object oBelt 		= GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_BELT, 		GetFirstPC());
	object oHeadgear 	= GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_HEAD, 		GetFirstPC());

	AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), GiveItem(oArmor, 		GetObjectByTag("HoldArmor")));
	AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), GiveItem(oRighthand, 	GetObjectByTag("HoldRight")));
	AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), GiveItem(oLefthand, 	GetObjectByTag("HoldLeft")));
	AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), GiveItem(oBelt, 		GetObjectByTag("HoldBelt")));
	AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), GiveItem(oHeadgear, 	GetObjectByTag("HoldHead")));

	DelayCommand(1.0, EquipAndDressPlayer(sResref));	
	DelayCommand(1.5, SetLightsaberPowered(GetFirstPC(), TRUE, FALSE));	

void EquipAndDressPlayer(string sResref) {
object oSaber = CreateItemOnObject(sResref, GetFirstPC(), 1, TRUE);	
object oRobe  = CreateItemOnObject("a_robe_08", GetFirstPC(), 1, TRUE);

AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), ActionEquipItem(oSaber, INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTWEAPON));
AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), ActionEquipItem(oRobe, INVENTORY_SLOT_BODY));

// ST: ADDED! ---------------------------------------
if (sResref == CUSTOM_SABER_RESREF) {
	// ST: It's the unique saber! Create another one and equip it in the off-hand!
	object oSaber2 = CreateItemOnObject(sResref, GetFirstPC(), 1, TRUE);
	AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), ActionEquipItem(oSaber2, INVENTORY_SLOT_LEFTWEAPON));
// --------------------------------------------------


You'll have to put the resref/filename of your unique saber where the script says "PUT_UNIQUE_SABER_RESREF_HERE". :)


Now you'll need to modify "stabsaber" to destroy both of your sabers when you stab it into the center stone. I don't know if there is a suitable "dual wield stab" animation to use instead, if you manage to find one you can change the character to use it instead in that script too. I'll leave it at the standard stab animation in this example:


// ST: a_stabsaber.nss (a_stabsaber.ncs in 950COR_s.rim)

void main() {
int nParam = GetScriptParameter(1);

object oPC = GetFirstPC();
object oWPOutside = GetObjectByTag("wp_pc_outside");
object oDoor = GetObjectByTag("MalachorDoor01");

int nSaber;
if (GetGlobalNumber("003EBO_PC_Hilt") == 2)
	nSaber = 1;
// ST: ADDED! ---------------------------------------
else if (GetGlobalNumber("003EBO_PC_Hilt") == 3)
	nSaber = 2;
// --------------------------------------------------
	nSaber = 0;	

switch (nParam) {
	case 0:
		SetLightsaberPowered(oPC, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);			
		AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), ActionMoveToObject(GetObjectByTag("wp_pc_stab")));

		// ST: ADDED! ---------------------------------------
		if (nSaber == 2) {
			// ST: Delete both sabers...
			DelayCommand(2.0, AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), PlayAnimation(10389, 1.0, 1.0)));
			DelayCommand(4.4, DestroyObject(GetItemInSlot( INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTWEAPON, GetFirstPC() )));
			DelayCommand(4.4, DestroyObject(GetItemInSlot( INVENTORY_SLOT_LEFTWEAPON, GetFirstPC() )));
		// --------------------------------------------------
		else if (nSaber) {
			DelayCommand(2.0, AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), PlayAnimation(10390, 1.0, 1.0)));
			DelayCommand(4.0, DestroyObject(GetItemInSlot( INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTWEAPON, GetFirstPC() )));
		else {
			DelayCommand(2.0, AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), PlayAnimation(10389, 1.0, 1.0)));
			DelayCommand(4.4, DestroyObject(GetItemInSlot( INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTWEAPON, GetFirstPC())));

		DelayCommand(6.0, AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), ActionForceMoveToObject(oWPOutside)));
		DelayCommand(10.0, AssignCommand(oDoor, ActionOpenDoor(oDoor)));

		DelayCommand(7.5, SetDialogPlaceableCamera(2));
		DelayCommand(9.5, SetDialogPlaceableCamera(22));
		DelayCommand(12.5, SetDialogPlaceableCamera(14));				
	case 1:		


This will also have the side-effect of Atris pulling out one of your unique sabers during conversation when you first meet her.


Unless I've missed something that should probably do what you wanted. Note "probably", since this is all in theory. I haven't had the opportunity to test any of this. :)

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um well.. ah :confused: :confused: could you repeat that?


yea, um, i'm USELESS with code, that why i didnt join the military, :xp:


stoffe -mkb-, seeing as you look like you know what your talking about, could you please test it and if it works release or E-Mail it to me? (you PM me and i'll send you my E-Mail)


i thank you for the help, but i dont have the patience, im like Anakin Skywalker, i have the potential to be great (laughs in background) but not patient enough, so i apoligise for being a git. :( if you decide to take this up, i'd be really grateful.


MattCole (a not-so-helpful modder)

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Originally posted by MattColejk


This Double-Bladed Sabre was created by Jedi Master Ma'Taka and 'General Colma Adawin', Jedi Master Ma'Taka trained and taught Colma Adawin the ways of the force, Colma Adawin had a strong connection to the force, and found learning quite easy, and felt that he could teach other Force Sensitives, teach them the ways of the Jedi, and to respect the force and follow the Lightside. Colma Adawin decided to fight in the Mandolorian War. His Master, Ma'Taka forbid him to fight in the war, he felt it would consume him and turn him to the darkside, but Colma promised he would return as he left, a Jedi.


In the wars Colma Adawin not only managed to hold the Mandolorians at bay, but managed to secure victory for the Republic.


Many Jedi Masters (instead of Padawans) feared that Colma Adawin had fallen to the Darkside(move the comma to after the word "attacks" due to the ferocity of his attacks, others simply believed that he was a Good, Strong minded Jedi with a strong connection to the Lightside of the Force.


When Colma Adawin was on the Battlefield, his sabres would be seen, and this Inspired his followers, made them stronger, made him stronger. Colma's connection to the force allowed him to better himself so much, that he could wield two Double-Bladed sabres. Not even the Great Jedi Weapons Master Maverick , could do such a thing. The Sith wanted to turn him to the Darkside, the Jedi wished for him to be at peace, so he didn't turn to the Darkside, for if he did, the Jedi Council knew, there would be nothing that anyone could do to stop Colma Adawin.


First off I made some grammatical corrections and notes in bold, italics, and small sizes.


ALTHOUGH, I beg to differ about this part:

Colma's connection to the force allowed him to better himself so much, that he could wield two Double-Bladed sabres. Not even the Great Jedi Weapons Master Maverick , could do such a thing. The Sith wanted to turn him to the Darkside, the Jedi wished for him to be at peace, so he didn't turn to the Darkside, for if he did, the Jedi Council knew, there would be nothing that anyone could do to stop Colma Adawin.


First off, wielding a doublesaber much less two doublesabers is such a crude and imperfect way of combat, it can't compare to the effectiveness and pure elegance of wielding two normal sabers such as the form of Jedi Weapons Master Maverick :D...lol who is currently constructing(modeling) his hilt


And as far as the... there would be nothing to stop him part... you must remember there is always someone... tis the way of the force.... lol



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Originally posted by maverick187

First off I made some grammatical corrections and notes in bold, italics, and small sizes.


ALTHOUGH, I beg to differ about this part:



First off, wielding a doublesaber much less two doublesabers is such a crude and imperfect way of combat, it can't compare to the effectiveness and pure elegance of wielding two normal sabers such as the form of Jedi Weapons Master Maverick :D...lol who is currently constructing(modeling) his hilt


And as far as the... there would be nothing to stop him part... you must remember there is always someone... tis the way of the force.... lol




Thanx for the Grammacal assistance. i'll copy my description into Word, change anything it finds, then add your changes. <Arguementitive Statement> Well.... least i've got a hilt! :p oh wait, no i dont, i use the default. <sniff>


who needs pure elegance, when you've got crude and EFFECTIVE :p twist of words HA! HA!


do you like my Jedi Name?


5 questions and you get your Jedi Name.


Col (Cole) Ma (Matthew) Ada (Adams) Win (Wincanton)


the first 3 letters of your Surname;___Col

first 2 of your First name;___________Ma

then your mothers Maiden name;____Ada

then, where you were born;________Win


end result: Colma Adawin. love it.


anyway, went WAAAAAY OFF TOPIC


i should really learn to model hilts, just so i can have a different hilt to everyone, but i haven't got time. goto work, come home, relax goto bed goto work come home. its a non-ending cycle. :(


<Force Persuade onself> You Will stop going off-topic.

<Success> I Will stop going off-topic.



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Originally posted by MattColejk


do you like my Jedi Name?


5 questions and you get your Jedi Name.


Col (Cole) Ma (Matthew) Ada (Adams) Win (Wincanton)


the first 3 letters of your Surname;___Col

first 2 of your First name;___________Ma

then your mothers Maiden name;____Ada

then, where you were born;________Win


end result: Colma Adawin. love it.



That makes me


Sayza Prohon... hmmm sort of odd, I'll stick with Mav :D

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Originally posted by MattColejk

um well.. ah :confused: :confused: could you repeat that?


yea, um, i'm USELESS with code, that why i didnt join the military, :xp:


I suppose I could repeat it, but since it's probably concidered spamming its easier if you just read it again. :p


But seriously, you don't need to mess around much with the code. All you need to do is to change in a_createpcsaber.nss where it says "PUT_UNIQUE_SABER_RESREF_HERE". Replace the text inside the quotation marks with the filename of your custom saber. If you used the console to spawn it in you probably know what it is since it's the same as what you would type after "giveitem" in the console. :)


Then use nwnsscomp.exe to compile the scripts and put them in the override folder.


If you use the DLG Editor it's fairly easy to modify 003atton.dlg. Go to Entry 95, that's where the conversation about your old lightsaber is. Add a new reply option (right-click on the entry and pick "Add new reply" in the popup menu) describing your saber.


In the "Script #1" field of this new reply node, type in "a_global_set". In the field labeled P1 to the right of it, type in "10" without the quotation marks. In the "String Param" field further to the right, type in "003EBO_PC_Lightsaber" without the quotation marks.


In the "Script #2 field on the same reply node, type in "a_global_set". In the field labeled P1 next to it, type in "3" without the quotation marks. And in the "String Param" field on that line type in "003EBO_PC_Hilt" (again without the ").


Now, look in one of the standard replies describing the saber and find the Entry where Atton says "Must have been something. Sure be nice to have it now - might make those Sith think twice before coming after us.". Right-click on that entry and pick "Copy Node" in the popup menu. Now go back and select the new reply node you just created. Right-click on it and pick "Paste Node as Copy" in the popup menu.


Save your modified 003atton.dlg in the Override folder as well, and hopefully it should work. :)

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Originally posted by maverick187

That makes me


Sayza Prohon... hmmm sort of odd, I'll stick with Mav :D


I can't even pronounce mine, I'll just stick with Mono as well. :D


And Matt, you could try drawing the hilt, then seeing if someone else would model it. Just a suggestion.

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Originally posted by Mono_Giganto

And Matt, you could try drawing the hilt, then seeing if someone else would model it. Just a suggestion.


oddly enough, me and Mav actually Pm'ed about that :p i was going to post it in the Mod Request, but, i cant actually think of how i'd like it :rolleyes:


if i think of one, i'll post it here



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