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script location request


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ok I've searched all the k_inc_force.nss file for awhile and can't find any of the saber style I even made the .nss files part of the .NET file structer and searched it from there and still can't find them cuz I want to make a saber style that if kenshin were a jedi he would be proud of it.

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for those of you who don't know who kenshin is he is a ancient samuri worrior who in the Anime series samuri X and ruroni kenshin has master every style of swordmenship and even the utlimate style the Hiten Mitsurugi which uses ultra sonic vibrations to kill there opponent quickly and it is basically unstoppable by weaker opponets so I want to make that style availble to the weapon master only

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As far as I can see most of the effects of the lightsaber forms are hardcoded. They aren't spells that fire a script when you select them. The only part of them that doesn't seem hardcoded is modifications to force power saving throws.


That is done in the function Sp_MySavingThrows() in k_inc_force. But it just checks what form is active and modifies the save DC accordingly.


Using that same method of checking the active form with IsFormActive() you could make the saber forms affect the casting of force powers, but that won't work too well for modifying lightsaber combat, such as adding extra attacks, modifying critical hit range and multipliers etc...

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