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Blasted Dantooine lag(TSL)


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Does anyone else get -really- bad lag around the Militia HQ? I'm not sure why it is, there are other more busy areas in the game, with more going on, more npcs ect, and I receive no lag there. I've found no way to fix it yet however. Does anyone know what I could do? Its driving me nuts and it causes my character to warp everywhere.


Please hurry, I can't continue without a fix for it. o.O

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actually, i tested that bit, and althought it somewhat fixed it, i still didn't get over 40fps w/o the special OpenGL driver and the DisableVertexBufferObjects thing in the .ini.


and before you ask, i was averaging 25-30 fps w/o the driver and .ini fix compared to 40+ with the fixes. its playable, granted, but it still doesn't give you the best performance, neither. :dozey:

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