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Too late to change the name?


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With the ROTJ, Lucas changed the name at the last minute from 'Revenge' to 'Return'. He did this for a few reasons:


1) the Jedi dont take revenge.


2) So they could tell who had fake products


Do you think that they could change the name again? I dont know when the name was changed for ROTJ, but I think there is still time.


Any comments?

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Like it was pointed out already, all the merchandise, novels, comics, CDs, etc. has already been printed, manufactured, printed, recorded, etc.


It is highly unlikely the name will change at this point, not that there would be a reason to change it at all...


What happened with RotJ was that someone pointed ot to George that Jedi don't take revenge so the title was really out of place. In this case, Sith do take revenge, so it's completly appropriate.


And I have no idea where you got the idea that it was made to counter merchandise counterfittng...

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Originally posted by guybroom

We all know how George loves his money.

You know, such baseless statements are annoying and idiotic. It may be true, but so far I have seen nothing to say this is absolutely true and that all his intentions in life are to obtain more money.


Anyway, the ROTJ name was changed only a few weeks before showing. But I don't think the name will be changed for ROTS as all merchandise has been printed.

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I think it has more to do with the asian cinema that had started to come out shortly before Empire. It was a lot of "revenge" style movies, people avenging friends and family. And Lucas kind of ran with a similiar idea on that. But later came to think "jedi don't really take revenge as much as they redeem, and right past wrong doings."


But who's to say but Lucas himself, perhaps we'll never know.

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Revenge of the sith isnt that bad of a title. I have to admit i would have preferred 'rise of the empire' but whatever. Its possible that GL would change it but i think we'd have more luck hoping that Jar Jar gets cut into itty bitty pieces, i think more fans would want to see that than a title change to be honest.


what they SHOULD do is change the titles of AOTC and ESB. It will never be too late to get rid of those awful titles. at least ESB is so ingrained into us by now it doesnt seem to be quite as brutal as AOTC, but if you really think about it both titles suck.


TPM had the best title to date (imo) as well as the best fight scene (again only my opinion, but i loved the maul brawl) yet strangely it was the worst movie.



edit: as for a few titles they could use that wouldnt be as poor as AOTC/ESB (credit goes to the original thinkers behind these, i've only stolen them not thought them up)


Anakin vs the volcano


the emperor's new groove


sith happens


the sith hits the fan


galactic domination for dummies


why creepy old men who act friendly to 9yr olds shouldnt be trusted

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