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Guest DarkJedi

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Guest DarkJedi

Have some other XwingAlliance related material on your site , post it here.

<FONT Size=-1 Color=#FF0000>

Note all sites in any category must contain XwingAlliance related material.</FONT>

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  • 2 months later...

New X-wing series site with info on all the games, all the crafts and many many more.


Although it's not completely don jet smile.gif


<a href="http://swssg.jedicore.net"><img border="0" src="http://swssg.jedicore.net/images/banner.gif" width="400" height="85"></a></p>


[This message has been edited by decoy (edited November 21, 1999).]


[This message has been edited by decoy (edited November 21, 1999).]

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  • 1 month later...

I have a Alliance stratagy guide at <a href="http://www.swgamer.com">Star Wars Gamer</a>, which you can find <a href="http://www.swgamer.com/guide_al.shtml">here</a>.


I am currently working on films of strategies and the missions which should be available in the next day or so.


Any comments on the site in general or the Alliance section in particular are much appreciated.



Star Wars Gamer - www.swgamer.com

webmaster - webmaster@swgamer.com

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